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Ontime Process manager

The library is used to manage and control some processes which you are able to run in the browser or NodeJS. There is sometimes need to split a complicated process into small pieces of code. It means that you can create simple tasks and combine them into the one process.

Process manager - allows you to controll your processes.

Process - allows you to controll tasks.

Task - simple iteration.


yarn add ontime-pm

// or

npm install ontime-pm


// index.ts
import { ProcessManager, Process, Task } from 'ontime-pm';

// Create instance of process manager
const processManager: ProcessManager = new ProcessManager('user');

// Create Tasks classes
class Task1 extends Task {
  async run() {
    console.log('Task 1. Do something...');

  async pause() {}
  async resume() {}
  async cancel() {}

class Task2 extends Task {
  async run() {
    console.log('Task 2. Do something...');

  async pause() {}
  async resume() {}
  async cancel() {}

class Task3 extends Task {
  async run() {
    console.log('Task 3. Do something...');

  async pause() {}
  async resume() {}
  async cancel() {}

// Create Custom Process class
class CustomProcess extends Process<{}, []> {
  public get name(): string { return 'test'; }
  public get tasks(): any[] { return [Task1, Task2, Task3]; }

// Register custom process inside process manager
pm.register('test', CustomProcess);

// Create a new instance of custom process
const proc: CustomProcess = await pm.create('test');

// subscribe on all events
proc.on('*', (...args: any[]) => console.log(...args));

// run custom process;

Process manager

constructor(userId: string = '')

- userId - Optional. User ID.

register<P>(processName: string, procClass: P): void

The method registers a class process in the system - processName - process name - procClass - process class

create<P, V>(processName: string, options: V, restoreId?: string): Promise<P>

The method creates new process instance. The method returns new instance.
- processName - process name
- options - process variables
- restoreId. Optional. Using for restore process context.

status(processId: string): Promise<TStatus>

The method returns a status of an instance of a process
- processId - process ID

get(processId: string): Promise<Process>

The method returns an instance of Process by a process ID
- processId - process ID

list(): Promise<Process[]>

The method returns a list of active processes

Process<V, T extends Task[] | Function[]>

  • V generic of variables

id: string

Process ID

name: string

Process name. Getter property.

tasks: T[]

Process tasks. Getter property.

constructor(userId: string = '', vars: V | Object = {}, restoreId?: string)

- userId - Optional. User ID. - vars - Optional. Process variables. - restoreId - Optional. Using for restore process context.

run(): Promise<void>

The method runs the process to execute

cancel(): Promise<void>

The method cancels the process

pause(): Promise<void>

The method pauses the process

resume(): Promise<void>

The method resumes the process

status(): Promise<TStatus>

The method returns a status of the process

getVars(): Promise<V>

The method returns process variables


destroy(): void


cancel(): Promise<void>

The method cancels the task

pause(): Promise<void>

The method pauses the task

resume(): Promise<void>

The method resumes the task

Others API depends on the implementation


Ontime Process Manager






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