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Tim Kretschmer edited this page Oct 8, 2021 · 1 revision

What is Open Dredmor?

The README says it best. If you have a legal copy of Dungeons of Dredmor, then Open Dredmor will use that game's assets to run the game with modern settings.

Why spend time making this?

I have a few reasons. First of all, I find it better to ask why not. We all express creativity in our own ways. Writing code is one of mine, and I wanted to make this. All else being equal, that would have been enough for Open Dredmor to exist.

Second, Dungeons of Dredmor is a game that always fascinated me. I was saddened when Gaslamp Games went dark and stopped responding to any social media. Their follow up game was a failure and tanked the company. Dungeons of Dredmor scratched a certain itch for me as a roguelike fan. It was crafted with a sense of whimsy and wit that I find many titles lack. What better way to appreciate something I love than trying to recreate it from scratch? (Okay, not entirely from scratch. I'm no artist and wouldn't dare to try improving on the original music.)

Third, Dungeons of Dredmor always played to me like a game made by people who understand what makes a game great, but might not have much professional software development experience. A lot of the UX is clunky and menus are miniscule. I aim to improve on that with Open Dredmor in the future.