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Setting up OC in k8s

kubectl create namespace openclimate make directory at /User/Shared/data/openclimate


Edit postgresql-persistentvolume so it uses a path in your own home directory.

TODO: we need to figure out a good place to put this so it works on everyone's local machine without modification.

Then, apply all these files:

  • postgresql-persistentvolume
  • postgresql-persistentvolumeclaim
  • postgresql-deployment
  • postgresql-service

For Mac deployments, the commands are:

kubectl apply -n openclimate -f ./k8s/mac/postgresql-persistentvolume.mac.yml
kubectl apply -n openclimate -f ./k8s/mac/postgresql-persistentvolumeclaim.mac.yml
kubectl apply -n openclimate -f ./k8s/local/postgresql-deployment.yml
kubectl apply -n openclimate -f ./k8s/postgresql-service.yml

Running API/UI in local

First, add/uncomment

imagePullPolicy: Never

to either openclimate-api-deployment.yml and openclimate-ui-deployment.yml (whichever one you're trying to run locally).

Then, run

docker image rm
docker image rn

to make sure you have no current version of the image running locally.

If you run

kubectl apply -n openclimate -f ./k8s/openclimate-ui-deployment.yml
kubectl apply -n openclimate -f ./k8s/openclimate-ui-service.yml
kubectl apply -n openclimate -f ./k8s/openclimate-api-deployment.yml
kubectl apply -n openclimate -f ./k8s/openclimate-api-service.yml
kubectl apply -n openclimate -f ./k8s/local/openclimate-ingress.local.yml

both should fail when you do kubectl get all -n openclimate with an "ErrImageNeverPulled".

For minikube users, you'll have to do an

eval $(minikube -p minikube docker-env)

to point your docker environment for deployments before building to local docker. For docker desktop, that should already be the case.

Now, run

docker build ui/ -t
docker build api/ -t

to build your local docker. The UI one should take around 3-4 minutes. The API should build pretty much within a minute.

Delete your running UI/API deployment and reapply changes.

Congratulations! You have a working local K8s cluster.

When you make changes you should rebuild your docker then do a

kubectl rollout restart deployment.apps/openclimate-ui-deployment
kubectl rollout restart deployment.apps/openclimate-api-deployment

to make those changes visible.

Helpful K8s commands

To change your default namespace so you don't have to always do -n openclimate,

kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=openclimate

To switch back to default,

kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=default

You can also change your current context if you have an EKS cluster also running.

kubectl config view
kubectl config use-context <context name here>

To delete your old replicasets:

kubectl delete replicaset $(kubectl get replicaset -o jsonpath='{ .items[?(@.spec.replicas==0)] }')