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The MTIP Sparx Plugin allows exporting and importing of SysML v1.5 models to the HUDS XML format to and from Cameo Systems Modeler via the mtip-cameo-plugin.

Modeling Tool Integration Plugin for Sparx Enterprise Architect (MTIP-Sparx EA)


MTIP-Sparx EA plugin is developed by The Aerospace Corporation to create an exchange standard that enables a nearly 1-to-1 translation of Model Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) models to and from Cameo Systems Modeler using principles derived in the Systems Modeling Language (SysML). The developed plugin enables a way for SysML v1.5 models to be exchanged freely between the tools and includes elements, relationships, and diagrams. Object types are mapped to a common SysML metamodel and exported/imported using the Huddle Unified Data Schema (HUDS) V2 Extensible Markup Language (XML) format.

Metamodel mapping implemented adheres to the to the SysML v1.5 specification which includes 9 diagram types along with the general-purpose constructs that may be shown on the multiple diagram types.

Getting Started


  • Sparx - Enterprise Architect
    • The latest MTIP plugin is compatible with Version 14.x and 15.x
  • Visual Studio (2017/2019)
    • .NET desktop development installed
    • Microsoft Visual Studio Installer Project Extension
    • EA Add-in Framework API written in C#
      • The EA API assembly must be added to the project references. The current project points to the Interop.EA.dll in the EA default installation folder (C:\Program Files\Sparx Systems\EA). If you installed EA at a different, location you will have to reconfigure the reference.
      • No action needs to be taken if the reference is located upon cloning the project

System Requirements

  • Windows 10


  • Download the MTIPInstaller.msi or setup.exe from repository (located under "Releases" on the right panel) and run following installer instructions
  • Follow the installer to complete installation
  • Once completed you can now access the MTIP-Sparx EA plugin within the "Specialized" tab in EA

Building Instructions

To build the plugin along with the plugin installer for development environment

  • Add registry key
  • Open the project in Visual Studio
  • Right click on the project and select the “Build” option
    • Note: MTIP Installer version in MTIPInstaller project properties must be updated for each installer build. Installer .msi and .exe will be built in <MTIP Solution Directory>\MTIPInstaller\Debug

Running the Plugin in Enterprise Architect

The following section includes instructions on plugin usage once built or installed:

  • Import HUDS V2 XML

    • Open existing project file or create a new project you would like to import your model/package into.
    • Select to “Specialize” tab in EA toolbar
    • Open MTIP Add-In menu from Add-Ins panel
    • Select “Launch” from Add-In dropdown menu
    • Select “Import from HUDS XML”
    • Select HUDS V2 XML(s) to import (multiple HUDS V2 XML files can be imported)
    • Select “Import”
    • Message will appear once import is complete
    • Import logs can be found in the users "Documents" directory
  • Export HUDS V2 XML

    • Open existing project to export
    • In project browser select Root Node or Package you would like to export (Can only select one at a time)
    • Two options for export
      • Navigate to “Specialize” tab in EA toolbar and open MTIP AddIn menu from Add-Ins panel
      • Right click on Root Node/Package to export, hover over "Specialized" then "MTIP"
    • Select “Launch” from AddIn dropdown menu
    • Select “Export to HUDS XML”
    • Select desired export directory
    • Message will appear once export is complete
    • Exported HUDS XML and export logs can be found in selected export directory


Karina Martinez, The Aerospace Corporation


This project is licensed under the Apache Commons License 2.0 - see the LICENSE.html file for details