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OSAB Vessel Firmware

This is the firmware that runs on the main teensy 4.1 board.

Table Of Contents


Note: any library forked by PaulStoffrege is required to be the forked version for Teensy compatibility reasons.

Folder Structure

/cores/teensy4/ Folder contains modified teensy4 core for increased Serial2 read buffer.

/lib/ Folder contains all required libraries and their dependencies.

/src/ Folder contains the source code.

How To Upload

Using the Arduino IDE and Teensyduino

  1. Download & install the Arduino IDE.
  2. Download & install Teensyduino.
  3. Go to your arduino installation folder and open hardware/teensy/avr/cores/teensy4/HardwareSerial2.cpp. Find and change #define SERIAL2_RX_BUFFER_SIZE 64 to #define SERIAL2_RX_BUFFER_SIZE 256.
  4. Download and install the following required libraries that are not already included in the Arduino IDE or Teensyduino:
  5. Download the code in the src folder of this repository and put it in a folder named OSAB or anything you want as long is it follows Arduino's file naming rules. Rename Main.cpp to what you named the folder and add the .ino file extension.
  6. In the Arduino IDE, open the OSAB folder containing the code. Connect your Teensy 4.1 to your computer and select the correct port and board type in the Arduino IDE.
  7. Upload the code to the Teensy 4.1 by selecting upload in the Arduino IDE.

Using VSCode, VisualTeensy, and Teensyduino

Check out Setting Up This Project For VSCode for more information.
