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OSCP Spatial Content Discovery


Baseline implementation of the OSCP Spatial Content Discovery APIs. These APIs allow an OSCP client to discover nearby spatial content (ex. 2D/3D virtual assets, spatial experiences). Spatial content records are synchronized in real-time across multiple GeoZone (ex. city-level) providers in a peer-to-peer manner through the kappa-osm database for decentralized OpenStreetMap. Discovery is managed via hyperswarm.

The P2P stack is based on components from the Hypercore protocol. kappa-osm builds on kappa-core, which combines multiple append-only logs, hypercores, via multifeed, and adds materialized views. Spatial queries rely on a Bkd tree materialized view, unordered-materialized-bkd.

Authentication/authorization is based on JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) via the OpenID Connect standard. A sample integration with Auth0 is provided.


Tested on Node 14.6.1

git clone
cd oscp-spatial-content-discovery
npm install

Create .env file with required params ex.


Start the Spatial Content Discovery service (development)

npm run dev

Start the Spatial Content Discovery service (production)

npm start

Testing via Swagger


Swagger image

Search Logic

The query API expects a client to provide a hexagonal coverage area by using an H3 index ex. precision level 8. This avoids exposing the client's specific location.

Search image

API Versioning

Current version: 1.0

The API version can be specified by the HTTP Accept header using a vendor-specific media type as per RFC4288:

application/vnd.oscp+json; version=1.0;

Spatial Content Record (SCR)

GeoPose will be formalized through the OGC GeoPose Working Group. Base version of a Spatial Content Record (expected to evolve):

export interface Position {
  lon: number;
  lat: number;
  h: number;

export interface Quaternion {
  x: number;
  y: number;
  z: number;
  w: number;

export interface GeoPose {
  position: Position;
  quaternion: Quaternion;

export interface Ref {
  contentType: string; //ex. "model/gltf+json"
  url: URL;

export interface Def {
  type: string;
  value: string;

export interface Content {
  id: string; //tenant supplied reference ID
  type: string; //high-level OSCP type
  title: string;
  description?: string;
  keywords?: string[];
  placekey?: string;
  refs?: Ref[];
  geopose: GeoPose;
  size?: number; 
  bbox?: string;
  definitions?: Def[]; 

export interface Scr {
  id: string; //platform generated SCR ID
  type: string; //record type, "scr" is currently the only valid type
  content: Content;
  tenant: string; //tenant or content owner, populated by platform based on auth
  timestamp: number; //platform generated timestamp

OSM Document

Documents (OSM elements, observations, etc) have a common format within kappa-osm:

    id: String,
    type: String,
    lat: String,
    lon: String,
    tags: Object,
    changeset: String,
    links: Array<String>,
    version: String,
    deviceId: String

Configuring a Reference Auth Service

To configure Auth0 as a reference auth service please see Auth0 for SSD.


OSCP Spatial Content Discovery







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