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Antonín Dufka edited this page Jul 18, 2023 · 24 revisions

JCMathLib cryptographic library for the JavaCard platform

JCMathLib is an open-source library for the JavaCard platform that aims to enable low-level cryptographic computations unavailable in the standard JavaCard API. In particular, it focuses on providing efficient modular arithmetic and elliptic curve operations.


The library is designed with maximal flexibility to support as wide range of smartcards as possible, however, there are certain minimal requirements needed to enable full support of the library:

  • RSA cipher engine without padding ALG_RSA_NOPAD allowing for arbitrary modulus size (better) or even modulus.
    • This enables efficient modular exponentiation of BigNats.
  • ECDH key agreement outputting result without hashing ALG_EC_SVDP_DH_PLAIN or ALG_EC_SVDP_DH_PLAIN_XY.
    • If only the former is supported, ALG_ECDSA_SHA_256 is also required.
    • This enables multiplication of ECPoints by BigNat scalars.

Apart from these minimal requirements, there are other features that JCMathLib can utilize to improve its performance:

  • ALG_RSA_NOPAD supporting exponent value 2.
    • This enables faster (modular) multiplication, which significantly impacts overall performance of the library.
  • ALG_EC_SVDP_DH_PLAIN_XY supporting scalar value 2.
    • This enables faster point doubling; otherwise, point doubling needs to be computed without hardware acceleration.
  • Elliptic curve generic mapping algorithm ALG_EC_PACE_GM supporting scalar value 1.
    • This allows for efficient point addition.

Configuration of the library for different cards is done using the OperationSupport class.


The results presented are extracted from the unit tests execution; values shown are in milliseconds (ms). If the operation is unsupported, the -- value is shown. The time measured starts with APDU send (triggering the target operation) and ends when the response is received, thus containing also data transmission and on-card data preparation overhead (the operation itself is somewhat faster). Consult the source code in for target instruction (INS) to see all steps included in measurement.


  • Taisys SIMoME Vault does not support all JCMathLib operations and we do not know how to make full support.
  • Infineon SECORA ID S can be likely optimized for faster performance, working on it.
Operation (time in ms) NXP JCOP4 J3R200 P71 (16.7.2023) NXP JCOP3 J3H145 P60 (16.7.2023) Infineon SECORA ID S (16.7.2023) GD Smartcafe 7.0 (16.7.2023) Taisys SIMoME Vault (16.7.2023)
bigNatAddition/INS_BN_ADD 27 38 26 18 55
bigNatMod/INS_BN_MOD 47 49 61 43 67
bigNatModAdd/INS_BN_ADD_MOD 45 57 54 32 66
bigNatModExp/INS_BN_EXP_MOD 55 67 1677 537 --
bigNatModInv/INS_BN_INV_MOD 58 72 1686 556 --
bigNatModMult/INS_BN_MUL_MOD 180 233 1064 660 760
bigNatModSq/INS_BN_SQ_MOD 65 75 1075 564 --
bigNatModSqrt/INS_BN_SQRT_MOD 328 445 4722 1438 --
bigNatModSub/INS_BN_SUB_MOD 45 75 55 45 54
bigNatMultiplication/INS_BN_MUL 145 199 517 164 400
bigNatMultiplicationSlow/INS_BN_MUL_SCHOOL 340 590 540 461 769
bigNatSetValue/INS_BN_SET_VALUE 19 21 31 17 18
bigNatShiftRight/INS_BN_SHIFT_RIGHT 21 29 22 14 46
bigNatSq/INS_BN_SQ 41 37 514 23 47
bigNatStorage/INS_BN_STR 20 21 22 10 23
bigNatSubtraction/INS_BN_SUB 40 51 51 30 54
eccAdd/INS_EC_ADD 86 250 5291 2723 --
eccDoubleGenerator/INS_EC_DBL 60 201 182 3113 --
eccDoubleRandom/INS_EC_DBL 64 202 179 3106 --
eccEncode(compressed_in)/INS_EC_ENCODE 576 797 6943 2718 --
eccEncode(compressed_in_out)/INS_EC_ENCODE 572 794 6944 2724 --
eccEncode(compressed_out)/INS_EC_ENCODE 25 25 32 14 60
eccEncode(uncompressed_in_out)/INS_EC_ENCODE 29 37 46 20 51
eccFromX/INS_EC_FROM_X 604 773 6989 2737 --
eccGen/INS_EC_GEN 45 226 127 201 1244
eccIsEqual/INS_EC_COMPARE 47 75 158 57 134
eccIsYEven/INS_EC_IS_Y_EVEN 23 36 65 24 69
eccMultRandomAndAdd/INS_EC_MUL_ADD 91 255 5441 5823 --
eccMultiplyGenerator/INS_EC_MUL 73 209 211 3131 --
eccMultiplyRandom/INS_EC_MUL 71 206 207 3110 --
eccNegation/INS_EC_NEG 60 91 145 69 370
integerAddition/INS_INT_ADD 12 22 18 14 28
integerDivision/INS_INT_DIV 31 29 42 26 49
integerModulo/INS_INT_MOD 14 18 26 14 27
integerMultiplication/INS_INT_MUL 61 81 110 65 104
integerStorage/INS_INT_STR 9 11 13 7 15
integerSubtraction/INS_INT_SUB 20 41 61 20 31
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