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Users manual for OpenEstate-ImmoTool

This repository contains the development files for the OpenEstate-ImmoTool users manual in English and German language. These files are used in order to generate the manual in different target formats.

  • A HTML5 website is generated with Hugo.
  • A PDF / EPUB / ODT / DOCX / XHTML (single page) file is generated with Pandoc.


How to generate the HTML5 website

In order to generate the HTML5 website you need to download Hugo beforehand:

  • Linux users may execute the script apps/ in order to download Hugo automatically. Alternatively you can download Hugo manually and place its binary into the apps/linux/bin folder.
  • Windows users need to download hugo.exe manually and place it into the apps/windows/bin folder.

Afterwards you can use the following scripts in order to generate the HTML5 website:

How to generate other formats

In order to generate other formats you need to install Pandoc on your system. Currently this repository only provides a solution for Linux systems. Other operating systems might also work with some modifications, but we're currently not planning to support other systems.

Follow the instructions provided by Pandoc for installation. For PDF output TeX Live is also required.

You also need to install Python and the virtualenv package on your system. Most Linux distributions provide packages for both dependencies. Afterwards you can create a virtual environment for Python by executing the app/ script.

On Debian GNU/Linux you can install the dependencies via:

apt install \
  virtualenv \
  pandoc \
  texlive-latex-base \
  texlive-lang-german \
  texlive-lang-english \
  texlive-fonts-recommended \
  texlive-fonts-extra \
  texlive-latex-recommended \

After all dependencies are installed you can use the following scripts on your Linux system in order to generate the manual in other target formats:

  • The script generates the manual into the book/en folder.
  • The script generates the manual into the book/de folder.

How to modify the users manual

The content folder contains development files of the manual in Markdown format and provided images.

  • The content/en folder contains all development files of the English manual.
  • The content/de folder contains all development files of the German manual.

Open the Markdown files (ending with .md) in your preferred text editor and make your changes. Afterwards you can rebuild the manual with the provided scripts (as documented above).

Notes about the Markdown format, standards & conventions

In order to provide a consistent users manual we've established some standards and conventions. Please read the following documents before you modify the contents and provide a pull request:

  • The file contains information & conventions about the English users manual.
  • The file contains information & conventions about the German users manual.
  • The file contains information about how to provide you modifications to us.


The generated HTML5 website bundles the following dependencies:

The users manual in ePub format bundles the following dependencies:

The users manual in PDF format is created with:


The development files of the user manual (including images) and the generated user manual is licensed under the terms of the CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 license. Take a look at LICENSE.txt for the license text.

The provided development scripts (Bash, Batch & Python files) and JavaScript files of the generated website are licensed under the terms of Apache License, Version 2.0. Take a look at LICENSE.scripts.txt for the license text.

Further information