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Molecular List Logic is web-app to perform logic operations on various molecular lists. by Magnus Norrby and Jonas Boström at AstraZeneca CVMD Sweden, 2014-08-31 ###########################################################################


Componentents: css/bootstrap.css //layout images/and.png not.png or.png save.png //these are images for logic operations and export uploads/ // the folder where resultsfiles are written to be uploaded to the client // python-script to handle smiles and sdf files write_file.php // php-script that generate outputfile and write to LOGFILE.txt LOGFILE.txt // logfile index.html // interface and the javascript code help.html // some basic instructions ScreenShotMolecularListLogic.GIF // a screenshot of interface

index.html: Currently supported browsers are Firefox and Google Chrome. An error message will be shown in case any of the required functions (like draggable och filereader) are not supported. In case draggable is missing, there's a standard file upload, instead of the drag and drop.

write_file.php: Writes the results from the form "resultat_form" in index.html to file in the uploads folder. Writes date and which boolean operation to LOGFILE.txt Retrieves data from the form "get_uniform_smiles" and performs boolean operation The data is then returned via the javascriptfunktion "parent.postMessage()" This is done since the python script is a hidden iframe in index.html. Please remember to change (#!/opt/az/psf/python/2.7/bin/python) to the correct python path

The app can hang if long/big txt lists are supplied (>30k), probably due to memory issues

The function used for that is shown below (from file "") def write_sdf(smiles_list): sdfs = [] ofs = oemolostream() ofs.SetFormat(OEFormat_SDF) ofs.openstring() mol = OEGraphMol() for smiles in smiles_list: if(OEParseSmiles(mol,smiles)): OEWriteMolecule(ofs,mol) # <----- here's where we write data to ofs memorybuffer sdfs.append(ofs.GetString()) # <---- here's where we get tan ostored in buffer mol.Clear() ofs.SetString("") return sdfs


A web app to perform logic operations on various molecular lists







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