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Zeqiang-Lai committed Jun 25, 2023
1 parent f732f39 commit 46049c0
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Showing 9 changed files with 2,650 additions and 22 deletions.
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions draggan/stylegan2/training/
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@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
# Copyright (c) 2021, NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. All rights reserved.
# NVIDIA CORPORATION and its licensors retain all intellectual property
# and proprietary rights in and to this software, related documentation
# and any modifications thereto. Any use, reproduction, disclosure or
# distribution of this software and related documentation without an express
# license agreement from NVIDIA CORPORATION is strictly prohibited.

# empty
436 changes: 436 additions & 0 deletions draggan/stylegan2/training/

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

238 changes: 238 additions & 0 deletions draggan/stylegan2/training/
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@@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
# Copyright (c) 2021, NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. All rights reserved.
# NVIDIA CORPORATION and its licensors retain all intellectual property
# and proprietary rights in and to this software, related documentation
# and any modifications thereto. Any use, reproduction, disclosure or
# distribution of this software and related documentation without an express
# license agreement from NVIDIA CORPORATION is strictly prohibited.

"""Streaming images and labels from datasets created with"""

import os
import numpy as np
import zipfile
import PIL.Image
import json
import torch
import dnnlib

import pyspng
except ImportError:
pyspng = None


class Dataset(
def __init__(self,
name, # Name of the dataset.
raw_shape, # Shape of the raw image data (NCHW).
max_size = None, # Artificially limit the size of the dataset. None = no limit. Applied before xflip.
use_labels = False, # Enable conditioning labels? False = label dimension is zero.
xflip = False, # Artificially double the size of the dataset via x-flips. Applied after max_size.
random_seed = 0, # Random seed to use when applying max_size.
self._name = name
self._raw_shape = list(raw_shape)
self._use_labels = use_labels
self._raw_labels = None
self._label_shape = None

# Apply max_size.
self._raw_idx = np.arange(self._raw_shape[0], dtype=np.int64)
if (max_size is not None) and (self._raw_idx.size > max_size):
self._raw_idx = np.sort(self._raw_idx[:max_size])

# Apply xflip.
self._xflip = np.zeros(self._raw_idx.size, dtype=np.uint8)
if xflip:
self._raw_idx = np.tile(self._raw_idx, 2)
self._xflip = np.concatenate([self._xflip, np.ones_like(self._xflip)])

def _get_raw_labels(self):
if self._raw_labels is None:
self._raw_labels = self._load_raw_labels() if self._use_labels else None
if self._raw_labels is None:
self._raw_labels = np.zeros([self._raw_shape[0], 0], dtype=np.float32)
assert isinstance(self._raw_labels, np.ndarray)
assert self._raw_labels.shape[0] == self._raw_shape[0]
assert self._raw_labels.dtype in [np.float32, np.int64]
if self._raw_labels.dtype == np.int64:
assert self._raw_labels.ndim == 1
assert np.all(self._raw_labels >= 0)
return self._raw_labels

def close(self): # to be overridden by subclass

def _load_raw_image(self, raw_idx): # to be overridden by subclass
raise NotImplementedError

def _load_raw_labels(self): # to be overridden by subclass
raise NotImplementedError

def __getstate__(self):
return dict(self.__dict__, _raw_labels=None)

def __del__(self):

def __len__(self):
return self._raw_idx.size

def __getitem__(self, idx):
image = self._load_raw_image(self._raw_idx[idx])
assert isinstance(image, np.ndarray)
assert list(image.shape) == self.image_shape
assert image.dtype == np.uint8
if self._xflip[idx]:
assert image.ndim == 3 # CHW
image = image[:, :, ::-1]
return image.copy(), self.get_label(idx)

def get_label(self, idx):
label = self._get_raw_labels()[self._raw_idx[idx]]
if label.dtype == np.int64:
onehot = np.zeros(self.label_shape, dtype=np.float32)
onehot[label] = 1
label = onehot
return label.copy()

def get_details(self, idx):
d = dnnlib.EasyDict()
d.raw_idx = int(self._raw_idx[idx])
d.xflip = (int(self._xflip[idx]) != 0)
d.raw_label = self._get_raw_labels()[d.raw_idx].copy()
return d

def name(self):
return self._name

def image_shape(self):
return list(self._raw_shape[1:])

def num_channels(self):
assert len(self.image_shape) == 3 # CHW
return self.image_shape[0]

def resolution(self):
assert len(self.image_shape) == 3 # CHW
assert self.image_shape[1] == self.image_shape[2]
return self.image_shape[1]

def label_shape(self):
if self._label_shape is None:
raw_labels = self._get_raw_labels()
if raw_labels.dtype == np.int64:
self._label_shape = [int(np.max(raw_labels)) + 1]
self._label_shape = raw_labels.shape[1:]
return list(self._label_shape)

def label_dim(self):
assert len(self.label_shape) == 1
return self.label_shape[0]

def has_labels(self):
return any(x != 0 for x in self.label_shape)

def has_onehot_labels(self):
return self._get_raw_labels().dtype == np.int64


class ImageFolderDataset(Dataset):
def __init__(self,
path, # Path to directory or zip.
resolution = None, # Ensure specific resolution, None = highest available.
**super_kwargs, # Additional arguments for the Dataset base class.
self._path = path
self._zipfile = None

if os.path.isdir(self._path):
self._type = 'dir'
self._all_fnames = {os.path.relpath(os.path.join(root, fname), start=self._path) for root, _dirs, files in os.walk(self._path) for fname in files}
elif self._file_ext(self._path) == '.zip':
self._type = 'zip'
self._all_fnames = set(self._get_zipfile().namelist())
raise IOError('Path must point to a directory or zip')

self._image_fnames = sorted(fname for fname in self._all_fnames if self._file_ext(fname) in PIL.Image.EXTENSION)
if len(self._image_fnames) == 0:
raise IOError('No image files found in the specified path')

name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(self._path))[0]
raw_shape = [len(self._image_fnames)] + list(self._load_raw_image(0).shape)
if resolution is not None and (raw_shape[2] != resolution or raw_shape[3] != resolution):
raise IOError('Image files do not match the specified resolution')
super().__init__(name=name, raw_shape=raw_shape, **super_kwargs)

def _file_ext(fname):
return os.path.splitext(fname)[1].lower()

def _get_zipfile(self):
assert self._type == 'zip'
if self._zipfile is None:
self._zipfile = zipfile.ZipFile(self._path)
return self._zipfile

def _open_file(self, fname):
if self._type == 'dir':
return open(os.path.join(self._path, fname), 'rb')
if self._type == 'zip':
return self._get_zipfile().open(fname, 'r')
return None

def close(self):
if self._zipfile is not None:
self._zipfile = None

def __getstate__(self):
return dict(super().__getstate__(), _zipfile=None)

def _load_raw_image(self, raw_idx):
fname = self._image_fnames[raw_idx]
with self._open_file(fname) as f:
if pyspng is not None and self._file_ext(fname) == '.png':
image = pyspng.load(
image = np.array(
if image.ndim == 2:
image = image[:, :, np.newaxis] # HW => HWC
image = image.transpose(2, 0, 1) # HWC => CHW
return image

def _load_raw_labels(self):
fname = 'dataset.json'
if fname not in self._all_fnames:
return None
with self._open_file(fname) as f:
labels = json.load(f)['labels']
if labels is None:
return None
labels = dict(labels)
labels = [labels[fname.replace('\\', '/')] for fname in self._image_fnames]
labels = np.array(labels)
labels = labels.astype({1: np.int64, 2: np.float32}[labels.ndim])
return labels

140 changes: 140 additions & 0 deletions draggan/stylegan2/training/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
# Copyright (c) 2021, NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. All rights reserved.
# NVIDIA CORPORATION and its licensors retain all intellectual property
# and proprietary rights in and to this software, related documentation
# and any modifications thereto. Any use, reproduction, disclosure or
# distribution of this software and related documentation without an express
# license agreement from NVIDIA CORPORATION is strictly prohibited.

"""Loss functions."""

import numpy as np
import torch
from torch_utils import training_stats
from torch_utils.ops import conv2d_gradfix
from torch_utils.ops import upfirdn2d


class Loss:
def accumulate_gradients(self, phase, real_img, real_c, gen_z, gen_c, gain, cur_nimg): # to be overridden by subclass
raise NotImplementedError()


class StyleGAN2Loss(Loss):
def __init__(self, device, G, D, augment_pipe=None, r1_gamma=10, style_mixing_prob=0, pl_weight=0, pl_batch_shrink=2, pl_decay=0.01, pl_no_weight_grad=False, blur_init_sigma=0, blur_fade_kimg=0):
self.device = device
self.G = G
self.D = D
self.augment_pipe = augment_pipe
self.r1_gamma = r1_gamma
self.style_mixing_prob = style_mixing_prob
self.pl_weight = pl_weight
self.pl_batch_shrink = pl_batch_shrink
self.pl_decay = pl_decay
self.pl_no_weight_grad = pl_no_weight_grad
self.pl_mean = torch.zeros([], device=device)
self.blur_init_sigma = blur_init_sigma
self.blur_fade_kimg = blur_fade_kimg

def run_G(self, z, c, update_emas=False):
ws = self.G.mapping(z, c, update_emas=update_emas)
if self.style_mixing_prob > 0:
with torch.autograd.profiler.record_function('style_mixing'):
cutoff = torch.empty([], dtype=torch.int64, device=ws.device).random_(1, ws.shape[1])
cutoff = torch.where(torch.rand([], device=ws.device) < self.style_mixing_prob, cutoff, torch.full_like(cutoff, ws.shape[1]))
ws[:, cutoff:] = self.G.mapping(torch.randn_like(z), c, update_emas=False)[:, cutoff:]
img = self.G.synthesis(ws, update_emas=update_emas)
return img, ws

def run_D(self, img, c, blur_sigma=0, update_emas=False):
blur_size = np.floor(blur_sigma * 3)
if blur_size > 0:
with torch.autograd.profiler.record_function('blur'):
f = torch.arange(-blur_size, blur_size + 1, device=img.device).div(blur_sigma).square().neg().exp2()
img = upfirdn2d.filter2d(img, f / f.sum())
if self.augment_pipe is not None:
img = self.augment_pipe(img)
logits = self.D(img, c, update_emas=update_emas)
return logits

def accumulate_gradients(self, phase, real_img, real_c, gen_z, gen_c, gain, cur_nimg):
assert phase in ['Gmain', 'Greg', 'Gboth', 'Dmain', 'Dreg', 'Dboth']
if self.pl_weight == 0:
phase = {'Greg': 'none', 'Gboth': 'Gmain'}.get(phase, phase)
if self.r1_gamma == 0:
phase = {'Dreg': 'none', 'Dboth': 'Dmain'}.get(phase, phase)
blur_sigma = max(1 - cur_nimg / (self.blur_fade_kimg * 1e3), 0) * self.blur_init_sigma if self.blur_fade_kimg > 0 else 0

# Gmain: Maximize logits for generated images.
if phase in ['Gmain', 'Gboth']:
with torch.autograd.profiler.record_function('Gmain_forward'):
gen_img, _gen_ws = self.run_G(gen_z, gen_c)
gen_logits = self.run_D(gen_img, gen_c, blur_sigma=blur_sigma)'Loss/scores/fake', gen_logits)'Loss/signs/fake', gen_logits.sign())
loss_Gmain = torch.nn.functional.softplus(-gen_logits) # -log(sigmoid(gen_logits))'Loss/G/loss', loss_Gmain)
with torch.autograd.profiler.record_function('Gmain_backward'):

# Gpl: Apply path length regularization.
if phase in ['Greg', 'Gboth']:
with torch.autograd.profiler.record_function('Gpl_forward'):
batch_size = gen_z.shape[0] // self.pl_batch_shrink
gen_img, gen_ws = self.run_G(gen_z[:batch_size], gen_c[:batch_size])
pl_noise = torch.randn_like(gen_img) / np.sqrt(gen_img.shape[2] * gen_img.shape[3])
with torch.autograd.profiler.record_function('pl_grads'), conv2d_gradfix.no_weight_gradients(self.pl_no_weight_grad):
pl_grads = torch.autograd.grad(outputs=[(gen_img * pl_noise).sum()], inputs=[gen_ws], create_graph=True, only_inputs=True)[0]
pl_lengths = pl_grads.square().sum(2).mean(1).sqrt()
pl_mean = self.pl_mean.lerp(pl_lengths.mean(), self.pl_decay)
pl_penalty = (pl_lengths - pl_mean).square()'Loss/pl_penalty', pl_penalty)
loss_Gpl = pl_penalty * self.pl_weight'Loss/G/reg', loss_Gpl)
with torch.autograd.profiler.record_function('Gpl_backward'):

# Dmain: Minimize logits for generated images.
loss_Dgen = 0
if phase in ['Dmain', 'Dboth']:
with torch.autograd.profiler.record_function('Dgen_forward'):
gen_img, _gen_ws = self.run_G(gen_z, gen_c, update_emas=True)
gen_logits = self.run_D(gen_img, gen_c, blur_sigma=blur_sigma, update_emas=True)'Loss/scores/fake', gen_logits)'Loss/signs/fake', gen_logits.sign())
loss_Dgen = torch.nn.functional.softplus(gen_logits) # -log(1 - sigmoid(gen_logits))
with torch.autograd.profiler.record_function('Dgen_backward'):

# Dmain: Maximize logits for real images.
# Dr1: Apply R1 regularization.
if phase in ['Dmain', 'Dreg', 'Dboth']:
name = 'Dreal' if phase == 'Dmain' else 'Dr1' if phase == 'Dreg' else 'Dreal_Dr1'
with torch.autograd.profiler.record_function(name + '_forward'):
real_img_tmp = real_img.detach().requires_grad_(phase in ['Dreg', 'Dboth'])
real_logits = self.run_D(real_img_tmp, real_c, blur_sigma=blur_sigma)'Loss/scores/real', real_logits)'Loss/signs/real', real_logits.sign())

loss_Dreal = 0
if phase in ['Dmain', 'Dboth']:
loss_Dreal = torch.nn.functional.softplus(-real_logits) # -log(sigmoid(real_logits))'Loss/D/loss', loss_Dgen + loss_Dreal)

loss_Dr1 = 0
if phase in ['Dreg', 'Dboth']:
with torch.autograd.profiler.record_function('r1_grads'), conv2d_gradfix.no_weight_gradients():
r1_grads = torch.autograd.grad(outputs=[real_logits.sum()], inputs=[real_img_tmp], create_graph=True, only_inputs=True)[0]
r1_penalty = r1_grads.square().sum([1,2,3])
loss_Dr1 = r1_penalty * (self.r1_gamma / 2)'Loss/r1_penalty', r1_penalty)'Loss/D/reg', loss_Dr1)

with torch.autograd.profiler.record_function(name + '_backward'):
(loss_Dreal + loss_Dr1).mean().mul(gain).backward()


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