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Thomas Schwotzer edited this page Jun 4, 2019 · 39 revisions


OHDM uses several databases can create a number of export formats. Here is an overview:

OHDM databases and supported formats The yellow components are provided by OHDM. That software is under GPL 3.0 and can be found in the OHDM Software Repository. OHDM uses and archives OSM data. We work on a web import application.

OHDM provides several output formats:

  • OSM files. OHDM can produce an OSM file for a given date and a given region on earth. Those files can be e.g. used for offline viewers.
  • stRDF files. Spatial temporal RDF is anm extension of RDF supporting geometries.
  • Mapnik: OHDM can produce the same files as osm2psql which are used e.g by mapnik. Those files have two additional date columns (since, until) declaring validaty of the objects. There is a patched Mapnik which understands both columns and can produce time sensitiv maps.

The transformation of all those structures are done by a Java program. It is recommended to use the jar. The rest of this section explains the parameters of this program.