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Thomas Schwotzer edited this page Jun 5, 2019 · 7 revisions


The intermediate DB is more or less a SQL incarnation of an OSM file.

It comprise five tables. Their structure are straightforward. intermediate database figure

Common columns

Nodes, ways and relations table contain data of nodes etc. These three tables have several columns in common: First, they store data taken from osm file:

id primary key
osm_id the osm id
tstamp timestamp (last change date)
classcode foreign key referencing a row in OHDM classification table
otherclasscodes osm objects can be of more than one map feature
serializedtags tags from osm file

Secondly, each table has some flags which are used for the OHDM/OSM archive update.

ohdm_geom_id ohdm id of a geometry that was produced from this osm entity (can be null)
ohdm_geom_type geometry type (point, linestring, polygon
ohdm_object_id ohdm id of an object that was produced from this osm entity (can be null)
geom_changed geometry has changed since last update
object_changed object has changed since last update
deleted osm entity was deleted since last update
object_new osm entity is new
valid osm entity is valid and unchanged since last update

Special columns

Nodes table


Ways table

node_ids node id in the same order as found in tags in the osm file

Relations table

member_ids member id in the same order as found in tags in the osm file


That table describes the n-m relation between ways and nodes

id primary key
way_id foreign key to ways table
node_id foreign key to nodes table (nodes making up that way)


That table describes the n-m relation between relations and other entities

id primary key
relation_id foreign key to relations table (relation that is described)
node_id foreign key to nodes table (node is part of the relation)
way_id foreign key to ways table (way is part of the relation)
member_relation_id foreign key to relations table (relation is part of the relation)
role role played by node, way or relation in this relation