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Dr. Christian Klukas edited this page Jan 18, 2017 · 8 revisions

Welcome to the MCCCS wiki!

MCCCS is currently being finalized and tested.

Windows 10 Ubuntu on Windows

Windows 10 Professional contains an optional feature to run Linux commands directly in the Windows environment. This is an alternative to the Cygwin environment, which uses recompiled programs which therefore run with full native speed. The Ubuntu on Windows enviroment from Windows 10 allows running native Linux executables, which are not recompiled for Windows. Kernal calls are translated to Windows kernel calls. The performance is therefore also very high. Docker on Windows uses internally VirtualBox, to run a simulated Linux environment. The performance of Docker on Windows and Mac is therefore not as good as under Linux, where calls are directly routed to the running Linux kernel.

If you would like to use the Ubuntu on Windows enviroment, please check this howto: MCCCS on Bash on Ubuntu on Windows

Docker Integration

MCCCS is automatically compiled from the GitHub sourcecode and compiled into a Docker Image. The docker Image may be used to run MCCCS but also to extract the startup-scripts and current build (JAR) of MCCCS. The according command line calls are explained in the following.

Basic MCCCS docker commands

MCCCS docker walk-through

MCCCS docker - run on example data

MCCCS docker, working on local file system

MCCCS docker - store data in local file system