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Writing ImageIO Plugins

Plugin Introduction

As explained in Chapters chap-imageinput and chap-imageoutput, the ImageIO library does not know how to read or write any particular image formats, but rather relies on plugins located and loaded dynamically at run-time. This set of plugins, and therefore the set of image file formats that OpenImageIO or its clients can read and write, is extensible without needing to modify OpenImageIO itself.

This chapter explains how to write your own OpenImageIO plugins. We will first explain separately how to write image file readers and writers, then tie up the loose ends of how to build the plugins themselves.

Image Reader Plugins

A plugin that reads a particular image file format must implement a subclass of ImageInput (described in Chapter chap-imageinput). This is actually very straightforward and consists of the following steps, which we will illustrate with a real-world example of writing a JPEG/JFIF plug-in.

  1. Read the base class definition from imageio.h. It may also be helpful to enclose the contents of your plugin in the same namespace that the OpenImageIO library uses:

    #include <OpenImageIO/imageio.h>
    // ... everything else ...
  2. Declare these public items:

    1. An integer called name_imageio_version that identifies the version of the ImageIO protocol implemented by the plugin, defined in imageio.h as the constant OIIO_PLUGIN_VERSION. This allows the library to be sure it is not loading a plugin that was compiled against an incompatible version of OpenImageIO.
    2. An function named name_imageio_library_version that identifies the underlying dependent library that is responsible for reading or writing the format (it may return nullptr to indicate that there is no dependent library being used for this format).
    3. A function named name_input_imageio_create that takes no arguments and returns an ImageInput * constructed from a new instance of your ImageInput subclass and a deleter. (Note that name is the name of your format, and must match the name of the plugin itself.)
    4. An array of char * called name_input_extensions that contains the list of file extensions that are likely to indicate a file of the right format. The list is terminated by a nullptr.

    All of these items must be inside an extern "C" block in order to avoid name mangling by the C++ compiler, and we provide handy macros OIIO_PLUGIN_EXPORTS_BEGIN and OIIO_PLUGIN_EXPORTS_END to make this easy. Depending on your compiler, you may need to use special commands to dictate that the symbols will be exported in the DSO; we provide a special OIIO_EXPORT macro for this purpose, defined in export.h.

    Putting this all together, we get the following for our JPEG example:

        OIIO_EXPORT int jpeg_imageio_version = OIIO_PLUGIN_VERSION;
        OIIO_EXPORT ImageInput *jpeg_input_imageio_create () {
            return new JpgInput;
        OIIO_EXPORT const char *jpeg_input_extensions[] = {
            "jpg", "jpe", "jpeg", "jif", "jfif", "jfi", nullptr
        OIIO_EXPORT const char* jpeg_imageio_library_version () {
          #define STRINGIZE2(a) #a
          #define STRINGIZE(a) STRINGIZE2(a)
          #ifdef LIBJPEG_TURBO_VERSION
            return "jpeg-turbo " STRINGIZE(LIBJPEG_TURBO_VERSION);
            return "jpeglib " STRINGIZE(JPEG_LIB_VERSION_MAJOR) "."
  3. The definition and implementation of an ImageInput subclass for this file format. It must publicly inherit ImageInput, and must overload the following methods which are "pure virtual" in the ImageInput base class:

    1. format_name() should return the name of the format, which ought to match the name of the plugin and by convention is strictly lower-case and contains no whitespace.
    2. open() should open the file and return true, or should return false if unable to do so (including if the file was found but turned out not to be in the format that your plugin is trying to implement).
    3. close() should close the file, if open.
    4. read_native_scanline() should read a single scanline from the file into the address provided, uncompressing it but keeping it in its naive data format without any translation.
    5. The virtual destructor, which should close() if the file is still open, addition to performing any other tear-down activities.

    Additionally, your ImageInput subclass may optionally choose to overload any of the following methods, which are defined in the ImageInput base class and only need to be overloaded if the default behavior is not appropriate for your plugin:

    1. supports(), only if your format supports any of the optional features described in the section describing ImageInput::supports.
    2. valid_file(), if your format has a way to determine if a file is of the given format in a way that is less expensive than a full open().
    3. seek_subimage(), only if your format supports reading multiple subimages within a single file.
    4. read_native_scanlines(), only if your format has a speed advantage when reading multiple scanlines at once. If you do not supply this function, the default implementation will simply call read_scanline() for each scanline in the range.
    5. read_native_tile(), only if your format supports reading tiled images.
    6. read_native_tiles(), only if your format supports reading tiled images and there is a speed advantage when reading multiple tiles at once. If you do not supply this function, the default implementation will simply call read_native_tile() for each tile in the range.
    7. Channel subset'' versions ofread_native_scanlines()and/orread_native_tiles(), only if your format has a more efficient means of reading a subset of channels. If you do not supply these methods, the default implementation will simply useread_native_scanlines()orread_native_tiles()`` to read into a temporary all-channel buffer and then copy the channel subset into the user's buffer.
    8. read_native_deep_scanlines() and/or read_native_deep_tiles(), only if your format supports "deep" data images.

    Here is how the class definition looks for our JPEG example. Note that the JPEG/JFIF file format does not support multiple subimages or tiled images.

    class JpgInput final : public ImageInput {
        JpgInput () { init(); }
        virtual ~JpgInput () { close(); }
        virtual const char * format_name (void) const override { return "jpeg"; }
        virtual bool open (const std::string &name, ImageSpec &spec) override;
        virtual bool read_native_scanline (int y, int z, void *data) override;
        virtual bool close () override;
        FILE *m_fd;
        bool m_first_scanline;
        struct jpeg_decompress_struct m_cinfo;
        struct jpeg_error_mgr m_jerr;
        void init () { m_fd = NULL; }

Your subclass implementation of open(), close(), and read_native_scanline() are the heart of an ImageInput implementation. (Also read_native_tile() and seek_subimage(), for those image formats that support them.)

The remainder of this section simply lists the full implementation of our JPEG reader, which relies heavily on the open source jpeg-6b library to perform the actual JPEG decoding.

Image Writers

A plugin that writes a particular image file format must implement a subclass of ImageOutput (described in Chapter chap-imageoutput). This is actually very straightforward and consists of the following steps, which we will illustrate with a real-world example of writing a JPEG/JFIF plug-in.

  1. Read the base class definition from imageio.h, just as with an image reader (see Section Image Reader Plugins).
  2. Declare four public items:

    1. An integer called name_imageio_version that identifies the version of the ImageIO protocol implemented by the plugin, defined in imageio.h as the constant OIIO_PLUGIN_VERSION. This allows the library to be sure it is not loading a plugin that was compiled against an incompatible version of OpenImageIO. Note that if your plugin has both a reader and writer and they are compiled as separate modules (C++ source files), you don't want to declare this in both modules; either one is fine.
    2. A function named name_output_imageio_create that takes no arguments and returns an ImageOutput * constructed from a new instance of your ImageOutput subclass and a deleter. (Note that name is the name of your format, and must match the name of the plugin itself.)
    3. An array of char * called name_output_extensions that contains the list of file extensions that are likely to indicate a file of the right format. The list is terminated by a nullptr pointer.

    All of these items must be inside an extern "C" block in order to avoid name mangling by the C++ compiler, and we provide handy macros OIIO_PLUGIN_EXPORTS_BEGIN and OIIO_PLUGIN_EXPORTS_END to mamke this easy. Depending on your compiler, you may need to use special commands to dictate that the symbols will be exported in the DSO; we provide a special OIIO_EXPORT macro for this purpose, defined in export.h.

    Putting this all together, we get the following for our JPEG example:

        OIIO_EXPORT int jpeg_imageio_version = OIIO_PLUGIN_VERSION;
        OIIO_EXPORT ImageOutput *jpeg_output_imageio_create () {
            return new JpgOutput;
        OIIO_EXPORT const char *jpeg_input_extensions[] = {
            "jpg", "jpe", "jpeg", nullptr
  3. The definition and implementation of an ImageOutput subclass for this file format. It must publicly inherit ImageOutput, and must overload the following methods which are "pure virtual" in the ImageOutput base class:

    1. format_name() should return the name of the format, which ought to match the name of the plugin and by convention is strictly lower-case and contains no whitespace.
    2. supports() should return true if its argument names a feature supported by your format plugin, false if it names a feature not supported by your plugin. See the description of ImageOutput::supports() for the list of feature names.
    3. open() should open the file and return true, or should return false if unable to do so (including if the file was found but turned out not to be in the format that your plugin is trying to implement).
    4. close() should close the file, if open.
    5. write_scanline() should write a single scanline to the file, translating from internal to native data format and handling strides properly.
    6. The virtual destructor, which should close() if the file is still open, addition to performing any other tear-down activities.

    Additionally, your ImageOutput subclass may optionally choose to overload any of the following methods, which are defined in the ImageOutput base class and only need to be overloaded if the default behavior is not appropriate for your plugin:

    1. write_scanlines(), only if your format supports writing scanlines and you can get a performance improvement when outputting multiple scanlines at once. If you don't supply write_scanlines(), the default implementation will simply call write_scanline() separately for each scanline in the range.
    2. write_tile(), only if your format supports writing tiled images.
    3. write_tiles(), only if your format supports writing tiled images and you can get a performance improvement when outputting multiple tiles at once. If you don't supply write_tiles(), the default implementation will simply call write_tile() separately for each tile in the range.
    4. write_rectangle(), only if your format supports writing arbitrary rectangles.
    5. write_image(), only if you have a more clever method of doing so than the default implementation that calls write_scanline() or write_tile() repeatedly.
    6. write_deep_scanlines() and/or write_deep_tiles(), only if your format supports "deep" data images.

It is not strictly required, but certainly appreciated, if a file format does not support tiles, to nonetheless accept an ImageSpec that specifies tile sizes by allocating a full-image buffer in open(), providing an implementation of write_tile() that copies the tile of data to the right spots in the buffer, and having close() then call write_scanlines() to process the buffer now that the image has been fully sent.

Here is how the class definition looks for our JPEG example. Note that the JPEG/JFIF file format does not support multiple subimages or tiled images.

class JpgOutput final : public ImageOutput {
    JpgOutput () { init(); }
    virtual ~JpgOutput () { close(); }
    virtual const char * format_name (void) const override { return "jpeg"; }
    virtual int supports (string_view property) const override { return false; }
    virtual bool open (const std::string &name, const ImageSpec &spec,
                       bool append=false) override;
    virtual bool write_scanline (int y, int z, TypeDesc format,
                                 const void *data, stride_t xstride) override;
    bool close ();
    FILE *m_fd;
    std::vector<unsigned char> m_scratch;
    struct jpeg_compress_struct m_cinfo;
    struct jpeg_error_mgr m_jerr;

    void init () { m_fd = NULL; }

Your subclass implementation of open(), close(), and write_scanline() are the heart of an ImageOutput implementation. (Also write_tile(), for those image formats that support tiled output.)

An ImageOutput implementation must properly handle all data formats and strides passed to write_scanline() or write_tile(), unlike an ImageInput implementation, which only needs to read scanlines or tiles in their native format and then have the super-class handle the translation. But don't worry, all the heavy lifting can be accomplished with the following helper functions provided as protected member functions of ImageOutput that convert a scanline, tile, or rectangular array of values from one format to the native format(s) of the file.

For float to 8 bit integer conversions only, if dither parameter is nonzero, random dither will be added to reduce quantization banding artifacts; in this case, the specific nonzero dither value is used as a seed for the hash function that produces the per-pixel dither amounts, and the optional origin parameters help it to align the pixels to the right position in the dither pattern.

The remainder of this section simply lists the full implementation of our JPEG writer, which relies heavily on the open source jpeg-6b library to perform the actual JPEG encoding.

Tips and Conventions

OpenImageIO's main goal is to hide all the pesky details of individual file formats from the client application. This inevitably leads to various mismatches between a file format's true capabilities and requests that may be made through the OpenImageIO APIs. This section outlines conventions, tips, and rules of thumb that we recommend for image file support.


  • If the file format stores images in a non-spectral color space (for example, YUV), the reader should automatically convert to RGB to pass through the OIIO APIs. In such a case, the reader should signal the file's true color space via a "Foo:colorspace" attribute in the ImageSpec.
  • "Palette" images should be automatically converted by the reader to RGB.
  • If the file supports thumbnail images in its header, the reader should store the thumbnail dimensions in attributes "thumbnail_width", "thumbnail_height", and "thumbnail_nchannels" (all of which should be int), and the thumbnail pixels themselves in "thumbnail_image" as an array of channel values (the array length is the total number of channel samples in the thumbnail).


The overall rule of thumb is: try to always "succeed" at writing the file, outputting the closest approximation of the user's data as possible. But it is permissible to fail the open() call if it is clearly nonsensical or there is no possible way to output a decent approximation of the user's data. Some tips:

  • If the client application requests a data format not directly supported by the file type, silently write the supported data format that will result in the least precision or range loss.
  • It is customary to fail a call to open() if the ImageSpec requested a number of color channels plainly not supported by the file format. As an exception to this rule, it is permissible for a file format that does not support alpha channels to silently drop the fourth (alpha) channel of a 4-channel output request.
  • If the app requests a "Compression" not supported by the file format, you may choose as a default any lossless compression supported. Do not use a lossy compression unless you are fairly certain that the app wanted a lossy compression.
  • If the file format is able to store images in a non-spectral color space (for example, YUV), the writer may accept a "Foo:colorspace" attribute in the ImageSpec as a request to automatically convert and store the data in that format (but it will always be passed as RGB through the OIIO APIs).
  • If the file format can support thumbnail images in its header, and the ImageSpec contain attributes "thumbnail_width", "thumbnail_height", "thumbnail_nchannels", and "thumbnail_image", the writer should attempt to store the thumbnail if possible.