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WIP Delivery Process for

natalie-bernhard edited this page Aug 23, 2023 · 2 revisions

These are the steps to follow when delivering changes to

  1. Set up a local instance of the website for development. Instructions can be found here.
  2. Select an issue to work on from the top of the Backlog column on our project board and then complete the following tasks:
    1. Assign yourself to the issue
    2. Create a branch for the issue
      • Make sure that the branch source/base is set as prod

      • Use the following naming convention: <issue number>-<dash separated summary>-<etc> (ex. 2892-i18n-blog-tags)

        Note: Github has a feature in beta where you can create a branch from the issue view that closely follows our naming conventions.

    3. Move the issue from the Backlog to the In Development column
  3. Once you have developed a solution for the issue, push your branch with your changes to Github.
  4. Create a pull request (PR) for the issue with the base branch set to draft and the compare branch set to your branch name. Title the PR appropriately and complete the following tasks:
    1. Assign yourself to the PR.
    2. On the side bar, under the Development section, select the gear icon. Search for your issue by name or issue number, and select it to connect the PR to the issue.
    3. Assign at least 1 reviewer to your PR.
  5. Once your changes are approved, merge them if they have not been merged by the reviewer. In a few hours, you can view your changes on draft-openlibertyio. If your changes look good, proceed to the next step. If not, please revert these changes.
  6. Repeat step 4 and 5 with the base branch now set to staging. You can check your changes on staging-openlibertyio.

Note: Before the next step, check to see if a PR from staging into prod is already created.

  1. If your changes look good on staging as well, create a new PR with the compare branch being staging and the base branch being prod. Set the title of the PR as Update production and then complete these tasks:
    1. Assign yourself to the PR.
    2. On the side bar, under the Development section, select the gear icon. Search for your issue by name or issue number, and select it to connect the PR to the issue.
    3. Assign at least 1 reviewer to your PR.
  2. If your changes look good, they will be approved and merged by the reviewer, and will show up on the production site a few hours after being merged