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Websites & branch breakdown

Kin Ueng edited this page Nov 14, 2022 · 23 revisions

This wiki shows how the production site and each staging site are built:

Sites built using IBM Cloud (domain to repo/branch mapping)

Website/Repo blogs docs-playbook/docs-javadoc docs/docs-generated certifications *guides* Build Trigger for commit into [repo:branch]: Notes: prod prod prod v*.0.0.* prod prod (master) blogs:prod
staging-openlibertyio staging staging staging v*.0.0.*-staging, staging staging staging (qa) any staging branch of these repos (- guides***) Collaboration site built from all staging branches
draft-openlibertyio draft draft draft v*.0.0.*-draft, draft / draft draft draft (dev)** any draft branch of these repos (- guides***) Collaboration site built from all draft branches
ui-staging-openlibertyio staging - - - - - Only includes content from: repo
ui-draft-openlibertyio draft - - - - - Only includes content from: repo
blogs-staging-openlibertyio prod staging - - - - blogs:staging Only includes content from: blogs repo + ui
blogs-draft-openlibertyio prod draft - - - - blogs:draft Only includes content from: blogs repo + ui
docs-staging-openlibertyio prod - staging v*.0.0.*-staging, staging - - any staging branch of docs* repos Only includes content from: docs* repo + ui
docs-draft-openlibertyio prod - draft v*.0.0.*-draft, draft - - any draft branch of docs* repos Only includes content from: docs* repo + ui
certifications-staging-openlibertyio prod - - - staging - certifications:staging Only includes content from: certifications repo + ui
certifications-draft-openlibertyio prod - - - draft - certifications:draft Only includes content from: certifications repo + ui
guides-staging-openlibertyio prod - - - - staging (qa) staging branch of guides-common repo*** Only includes content from: guides repos + ui
guides-draft-openlibertyio prod - - - - draft (dev)** draft branch of guides-common repo*** Only includes content from: guides (and draft guides) repos + ui
demo1-openlibertyio demo1 prod prod v*.0.0.* prod prod (master) demo site
demo2-openlibertyio demo2 prod prod v*.0.0.* prod prod (master) demo site

** Includes draft guides
*** Suggest using GitHub Action that does an empty commit into guides-common to trigger a build