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32 lines (18 loc) · 1004 Bytes

File metadata and controls

32 lines (18 loc) · 1004 Bytes

Summary of Issue

<A brief summary of the issue (used for release notes).>

Issue Type


For bugs, explain what is happening and how it differs from the expected behavior.

For enhancements, a description of the proposed enhancement should be provided by a POEM at


For bugs, if at all possible, provide a short snippet which reproduces the issue. Alternatively, link to a file in another repository where the issue is demonstrated.

For enhancements this can be left as N/A assuming the enhancement is captured in a POEM


<For bugs, otherwise N/A>

Operating System: <i.e. OS X 10.14.6, Windows 10, Ubuntu 16.04>

Python environment: <i.e. Anaconda Python 3.7.1>

Packages: <versions of Dymos, OpenMDAO, and other pertinent Python packages. You can just paste the output of pip freeze or conda list here.>