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Kent Milfeld edited this page Feb 4, 2015 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the Examples wiki.

We will evolve the Examples repo to allow contributors to easily make changes, allow others to discuss those changes, and provide a mechanism to incorporate and track those changes into the standard.

For now, there is a simple structure. The github repo is What works "best" is for you to have a github account (provide us with your github name once you have done that). In your favorite browser in your account, you will fork the OpenMP/Examples repo, so that you have a copy of it as <your_github_name>/Examples.

You can clone your repo to your workstation or laptop, make changes there, and then push them back to your fork. Once you are happy with your changes you can request of pull (asks us to merge your results) into the OpenMP/Examples. Doing this from the web is great. You can observe the changes and add information about the request (something we can discuss and view at the meetings), and then submit the request that everybody can see.

Clone this wiki locally