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Jon Janelle edited this page Jun 6, 2020 · 14 revisions

Welcome to the covid19-foodmap wiki!

To get involved with this project, join our #p-covid19 Slack channel. Need an invite to the Open Maine Slack? You can join here.

What is the Food Map Project?

What Problem does it Solve?

The Food Map Project is a map responding to organizer needs for a local mutual aid group, MainersTogether. Organizers are talking daily with people who need assistance getting groceries and accessing services. The existing maps and locations for food pantries and pickups are not up to date; we are working with them to create an easily searchable map that organizers and the public can access.

What Technologies, Techniques & Frameworks Does It Use?

** JQuery 3 is used to manage HTML DOM interactions ( ** Bootstrap 4 is the primary UI library ( Additional UI libraries should not be used unless equivalent functionality does not exist within Bootstrap. ** HandlebarsJS is used for HTML templating ( All extensions methods for Handlebars must be placed in extensions/handlebarsHelpers ** Select2 is used to add autocompletion and improved styling to selection inputs ( ** Asynchronous network operations should use JQuery's Deferred API ( Conceptually this API is rooted in the pattern of Promises

I Want to Contribute! New here? Join our Slack channel on Open Maine Slack (see above for joining info) and come introduce yourself. We always need help with documentation!

Who Can I ask for help? Project Manager: Jenna Shue >

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