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Package for Stock-and-Flow modelling and simulation

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Poietic Flows

Systems Dynamics Modelling and simulation toolkit based on the Stock and Flow methodology.

Core functionality:

  • Creation and iterative design of stock and flow models.
  • Simulation of systems dynamics models.



  • Stock and Flow model
    • Nodes: Stock, Flow, Auxiliary, Graphical Function
    • Interface nodes: Chart, Control
    • Included Euler and RK4 solvers
    • Experimental features: Delay
  • Simple arithmetic expressions (formulas)
    • Built-in functions: abs, floor, ceiling, round, power, sum, min, max
  • Whole editing history is preserved.
  • Editing is non-destructive and can be reversed using undo and redo commands.
  • Exports:

See also: PoieticCore.


  • More useful built-in functions and variables for the Stock and Flow model.
  • Sub-systems.


Available platforms: MacOS 14 (and later), Linux

To install the poietic command-line tool, run the following command in the project's top-level directory:


The tool will be installed in the Swift Package Manager's' ~/.swiftpm/bin directory. Make sure you have the directory in your PATH, if you do not, then add the following to the end of your ~/.zshrc or ~/.bashrc file:

export PATH=~/.swiftpm/bin:$PATH


The examples are located in the Examples repository. Follow instructions how to run them in the documentation contained within the repository.



The Poietic Flows includes a command-line tool to create, edit and run Stock and Flow models called poietic.

See the Command Line Tool documentation.

Command summary:

  • new: Create an empty design.
  • info: Get information about the design
  • list: List design content objects.
  • show: Describe an object.
  • edit: Edit an object or a selection of objects.
    • set: Set an attribute value
    • undo: Undo last change
    • redo: Redo undone change
    • add: Create a new node
    • connect: Create a new connection (edge) between two nodes
    • remove: Remove an object – a node or a connection
    • auto-parameters: Automatically connect parameter nodes: connect required, disconnect unused
    • layout: Lay out objects
    • align: Align objects on canvas
  • import: Import a frame into the design.
  • run: Run the simulation and generate output
  • write-dot: Write a Graphviz DOT file.
  • metamodel: Show the metamodel
  • create-library Create a library of multiple models.

Use --help with a desired command to learn more.


Think of this tool as ed but for data represented as a graph. At least for now.

The tool is designed in a way that it is by itself interactive for a single-user. For interactivity in a shell, set the POIETIC_DATABASE environment variable to point to a file where the design is stored.

Example session:

poietic new
poietic info

poietic edit add Stock name=water formula=100
poietic edit add Flow name=outflow formula=10
poietic edit connect Drains water outflow

poietic list formulas

poietic edit add Stock name=unwanted formula=0
poietic list formulas
poietic edit undo

poietic list formulas

poietic run


Stefan Urbanek


Package for Stock-and-Flow modelling and simulation






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