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packaging: supporting arch-linux
Browse files Browse the repository at this point in the history
- PKGBUILD.git: install package from github branch "master"
  Split packages for opensips (core,parser), modules and documentation
- Makefile.conf.template: adopt and customize for linux environment
- systemd: include service and tmpfiles
- opensips.install: run script after package is installed on target

Signed-off-by: Ralf Zerres <>
  • Loading branch information
rzerres committed May 27, 2019
1 parent 216bf4d commit 53f7479
Show file tree
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Showing 5 changed files with 386 additions and 0 deletions.
108 changes: 108 additions & 0 deletions packaging/arch/Makefile.conf.template
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
#aaa_radius= Radius implementation for the AAA API from the core | Radius client development library, tipically radiusclient-ng 0.5.0 or higher
#b2b_logic= Logic engine of B2BUA, responsible of actually implementing the B2BUA services | xml parsing development library, typically libxml2-dev
#cachedb_cassandra= Implementation of a cache system designed to work with Cassandra servers | thrift 0.6.1
#cachedb_couchbase= Implementation of a cache system designed to work with CouchBase servers | libcouchbase >= 2.0
#cachedb_memcached= Implementation of a cache system designed to work with a memcached server. | Memcached client library, tipically libmemcached
#cachedb_mongodb= Implementation of a cache system designed to work with a MongoDB server. | libjson and the mongo-c-driver
#cachedb_redis= Implementation of a cache system designed to work with Redis servers | Redis client library, hiredis
#carrierroute= Provides routing, balancing and blacklisting capabilities. | libconfuse, a configuration file parser library
#cgrates= Provides integration with the CGRateS billing/rating engine. | JSON library, libjson
#compression= Implements SIP message compression/decompression and base64 encoding | zlib dev library, tipically zlib1g-dev
#cpl_c= Implements a CPL (Call Processing Language) interpreter | library for parsing XML files, tipically libxml2 and libxml2-devel
#db_berkeley= Integrates the Berkeley DB into OpenSIPS | Berkeley embedded database
#db_http= Provides access to a database that is implemented as a HTTP server. | CURL library - libcurl
#db_mysql= Provides MySQL connectivity for OpenSIPS | development libraries of mysql-client , tipically libmysqlclient-dev
#db_oracle= Provides Oracle connectivity for OpenSIPS. | Development library of OCI, tipically instantclient-sdk-
#db_perlvdb= Provides a virtualization framework for OpenSIPS's database access. | Perl library development files, tipically libperl-dev
#db_postgres= Provides Postgres connectivity for OpenSIPS | PostgreSQL library and development library - tipically libpq5 and libpq-dev
#db_sqlite= Provides SQLite connectivity for OpenSIPS | SQLite library and development library - tipically libsqlite3 and libsqlite3-dev
#db_unixodbc= Allows to use the unixodbc package with OpenSIPS | ODBC library and ODBC development library
#dialplan= Implements generic string translations based on matching and replacement rules | PCRE development library, tipically libpcre-dev
#emergency= Provides emergency call treatment for OpenSIPS | CURL dev library - tipically libcurl4-openssl-dev
#event_rabbitmq= Provides the implementation of a RabbitMQ client for the Event Interface | RabbitMQ development library, librabbitmq-dev
#h350= Enables access to SIP account data stored in an LDAP [RFC4510] directory containing H.350 commObjects | OpenLDAP library & development files, tipically libldap and libldap-dev
#regex= Offers matching operations against regular expressions using the powerful PCRE library. | Development library for PCRE, tipically libpcre-dev
#identity= Adds support for SIP Identity (see RFC 4474). | SSL library, tipically libssl
#jabber= Integrates XODE XML parser for parsing Jabber messages | Expat library.
#json= Introduces a new type of variable that provides both serialization and de-serialization from JSON format. | JSON library, libjson
#ldap= Implements an LDAP search interface for OpenSIPS | OpenLDAP library & development files, tipically libldap and libldap-dev
#lua= Easily implement your own OpenSIPS extensions in Lua | liblua5.1-0-dev, libmemcache-dev and libmysqlclient-dev
#httpd= Provides an HTTP transport layer implementation for OpenSIPS. | libmicrohttpd
#mi_xmlrpc_ng= New version of the xmlrpc server that handles xmlrpc requests and generates xmlrpc responses. | parsing/building XML library, tipically libxml
#mmgeoip= Lightweight wrapper for the MaxMind GeoIP API | libGeoIP
#osp= Enables OpenSIPS to support secure, multi-lateral peering using the OSP standard | OSP development kit, tipically osptoolkit
#perl= Easily implement your own OpenSIPS extensions in Perl | Perl library development files, tipically libperl-dev
#pi_http= Provides a simple web database provisioning interface | XML parsing & building library, tipically libxml-dev
#rabbitmq= Provides functions to publish messages to a RabbitMQ server | RabbitMQ development library, librabbitmq-dev
#proto_sctp= Provides support for SCTP listeners in OpenSIPS | SCTP development library, tipically libsctp-dev
#proto_tls= Provides support for TLS listeners in OpenSIPS | SSL development library, tipically libssl-dev
#proto_wss= Provides support for Secure WebSocket listeners in OpenSIPS | SSL development library, tipically libssl-dev
#presence= Handles PUBLISH and SUBSCRIBE messages and generates NOTIFY messages in a general, event independent way | XML parsing & Building library, tipically libxml-dev
#presence_dialoginfo= Enables the handling of "Event: dialog" (as defined in RFC 4235) | XML parsing & building library, tipically libxml-dev
#presence_mwi= Does specific handling for notify-subscribe message-summary (message waiting indication) events as specified in RFC 3842 | XML parsing & building library, tipically libxml-dev
#presence_xml= Does specific handling for notify-subscribe events using xml bodies. | XML parsing & building library, tipically libxml-dev
#pua= Offers the functionality of a presence user agent client, sending Subscribe and Publish messages. | XML parsing & building library, tipically libxml-dev
#pua_bla= Enables Bridged Line Appearances support according | XML parsing & building library, tipically libxml-dev
#pua_dialoginfo= Retrieves dialog state information from the dialog module and PUBLISHes the dialog-information using the pua module. | XML parsing & building library,tipically libxml-dev
#pua_mi= Offers the possibility to publish presence information and subscribe to presence information via MI transports. | XML parsing & building library,tipically libxml-dev
#pua_usrloc= Connector between usrloc and pua modules. | XML parsing & building library,tipically libxml-dev
#pua_xmpp= Gateway for presence between SIP and XMPP. | XML parsing & building library,tipically libxml-dev
#python= Easily implement your own OpenSIPS extensions in Python | Shared Python runtime library, libpython
#rest_client= Simple HTTP client | CURL library - libcurl
#rls= Resource List Server implementation following the specification in RFC 4662 and RFC 4826 | parsing/building XML library, tipically libxml-dev
#sngtc= Voice Transcoding using the D-series Sangoma transcoding cards | libsngtc_node
#siprec= SIP Call Recording to an external/passive recorder | uuid-dev
#snmpstats= Provides an SNMP management interface to OpenSIPS | NetSNMP v5.3
#tls_mgm= Provides a TLS interface to manage certificates for OpenSIPS | SSL development library, tipically libssl-dev
#xcap= XCAP utility functions for OpenSIPS. | libxml-dev
#xcap_client= XCAP client for OpenSIPS.It fetches XCAP elements, either documents or part of them, by sending HTTP GET requests | libxml-dev and libcurl-dev
#xml= Introduces a new type of variable that provides both serialization and de-serialization from XML format. | XML library, libxml2-dev
#xmpp= Gateway between OpenSIPS and a jabber server. It enables the exchange of IMs between SIP clients and XMPP(jabber) clients. | parsing/building XML files, tipically libexpat1-devel

#exclude_modules?= aaa_radius b2b_logic cachedb_cassandra cachedb_couchbase cachedb_memcached cachedb_mongodb cachedb_redis carrierroute cgrates compression cpl_c db_berkeley db_http db_mysql db_oracle db_perlvdb db_postgres db_sqlite db_unixodbc dialplan emergency event_rabbitmq h350 httpd identity jabber json ldap lua mi_xmlrpc_ng mmgeoip osp perl pi_http presence presence_dialoginfo presence_mwi presence_xml proto_sctp proto_tls proto_wss pua pua_bla pua_dialoginfo pua_mi pua_usrloc pua_xmpp python regex rabbitmq rest_client rls siprec sngtc snmpstats tls_mgm xcap xcap_client xml xmpp
# Arch Linux specific
# Couchbase: needs to be build from aur
# Oracle: not supported as open-source package
# Sangoma: can't test Voice Transcoding with D-series Sangoma transcoding cards
exclude_modules?= cachedb_couchbase db_oracle sngtc


DEFS+= -DPKG_MALLOC #Uses a faster malloc
#DEFS+= -DUSE_SHM_MEM #All PKG allocations are mapped to SHM
DEFS+= -DSHM_MMAP #Use mmap instead of SYSV shared memory
DEFS+= -DUSE_MCAST #Compile in support for IP Multicast
DEFS+= -DDISABLE_NAGLE #Disabled the TCP NAgle Algorithm ( lower delay )
DEFS+= -DSTATISTICS #Enables the statistics manager
DEFS+= -DHAVE_RESOLV_RES #Support for changing some of the resolver parameters
##DEFS+= -DVQ_MALLOC #Very quick & wasteful mem allocator (currently disabled)
#DEFS+= -DQM_MALLOC #Quality assurance memory allocator with runtime safety checks
DEFS+= -DF_MALLOC #Fast memory allocator with minimal runtime overhead
#DEFS+= -DHP_MALLOC #High performance allocator with fine-grained locking
#DEFS+= -DDBG_MALLOC #Enables debugging for memory allocators
DEFS+= -DF_MALLOC_OPTIMIZATIONS #Remove all safety checks in F_MALLOC
#DEFS+= -DNO_DEBUG #Turns off all debug messages
#DEFS+= -DNO_LOG #Completely turns off all the logging
#DEFS+= -DFAST_LOCK #Uses fast architecture specific locking
DEFS+= -DUSE_FUTEX #Uses linux futexs with fast architecture specific locking
#DEFS+= -DUSE_SYSV_SEM #Uses SYSV sems for locking ( slower & limited number of locks
#DEFS+= -DUSE_PTHREAD_MUTEX #Uses pthread mutexes for locking
#DEFS+= -DUSE_UMUTEX #Uses FreeBSD-specific low-level mutexes for locking
#DEFS+= -DUSE_POSIX_SEM #Uses POSIX sems for locking
#DEFS+= -DBUSY_WAIT #Uses busy waiting on the lock
#DEFS+= -DDBG_LOCK #Attach debug info to all lock structures
#DEFS+= -DDBG_STRUCT_HIST #Include support for struct history logging
#DEFS+= -DDBG_TCPCON #Attach struct history info to all TCP connections
#DEFS+= -DNOSMP #Do not use SMP sompliant locking. Faster but won't work on SMP machines
#DEFS+= -DEXTRA_DEBUG #Compiles in some extra debugging code
#DEFS+= -DORACLE_USRLOC #Uses Oracle compatible queries for USRLOC
DEFS+= -DSHM_EXTRA_STATS #Provides tools to get extra statistics for the shared memory used
DEFS+= -DUNIT_TESTS #Include unit testing code into opensips and modules

PREFIX ?= /usr/
234 changes: 234 additions & 0 deletions packaging/arch/PKGBUILD.git
@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
# vim:set ts=8 sw=8 et:
# Maintainer: Ralf Zerres <>

pkgname=('opensips-git' 'opensips-git-modules' 'opensips-git-documentation')
pkgdesc="An Open Source SIP Server able to act as a SIP proxy, registrar, location server, redirect server ..."
depends=('openssl' 'db' 'attr' 'libxml2')
'confuse' 'cassandra-cpp-driver'
'doxygen' 'docbook-sgml' 'docbook-utils'
'libldap>=2.4.18' 'libmariadbclient' 'libmemcached' 'libmicrohttpd'
'librabbitmq-c' 'libtap-git' 'libuv' 'libxslt'
'thrift' 'unixodbc' 'xmlrpc-c' 'zlib')
arch=('x86_64' 'armv7')
options=('!emptydirs' 'zipman' '!makeflags' 'docs')

prepare() {
cd "$srcdir"/${pkgbase}

if [ -h "$srcdir"/Makefile.conf.devel.template ]; then
msg2 "preset Makefile.conf template"
test ! -f Makefile.conf.devel.template.orig &&
mv Makefile.conf.template Makefile.conf.template.orig
cp "$srcdir"/Makefile.conf.devel.template Makefile.conf.template

# patching
if [ ! -f .makepkg-patched ]; then
echo " -> patching: "
git am --signoff ../../patches-git/0000-packaging-support-arch-linux.patch
git am --signoff ../../patches-git/0001-osp-Fix-module-compilation.patch
git am --signoff ../../patches-git/0002-opensips_json_c_helper.h-fix-preprocessor-definition.patch
git am --signoff ../../patches-git/0003-Makefile.defs-adapt-default-settings-for-XSL-parser.patch
git am --signoff ../../patches-git/0004-doxygen-update-element-list.patch
echo " -> patching [done]"
touch .makepkg-patched
#echo " -> no patches for branch '${_branch}' needed"

msg2 "ensure python2 usage"
for file in $(find . -name '*.py' -print); do
sed -i 's_^#!.*/usr/bin/python_#!/usr/bin/python2_' $file
sed -i 's_^#!.*/usr/bin/env.*python_#!/usr/bin/env python2_' $file

msg2 "ensure binaries live in /bin and /usr/bin"
sed -i 's|sbin|bin|g' Makefile
sed -i 's|bin-dir = sbin/|bin-dir = bin/|' Makefile.defs

pkgver() {
cd "${srcdir}/${pkgname}"
echo "0.r$(git rev-list --count $_branch).g$(git log -1 --format="%h")"

build() {
cd "$srcdir"/${pkgbase}

# create binary targets
#make -j$(nproc) \
make \

# create documentation targets
make \
BASEDIR="$pkgdir" PREFIX=/usr LIBDIR=lib \
doxygen \
modules-docbook-html \
# dbschema-docbook-html
# dbschema-docbook-pdf \
# modules-docbook-pdf \

package_opensips-git() {
pkgdesc="OpenSIPS an open source SIP Server (git version)"

'confuse' 'geoip' 'json-c'
'libtap-git' 'libuv' 'libxslt'
'cassandra-cpp-driver: cassandra C++ support'
'curl: curl support'
'confuse: confuse support'
'lksctp-tools: sctp support'
'lynx: text browser support'
'hiredis: HiRedis support'
'libldap: LDAP support'
'libmariadbclient: Maria DB support'
'libmaxminddb: MaxMin DB support'
'libmemcached: Memory caching support'
'libmicrohttpd: Inline HTTPD support'
'librabbitmq-c: Rabbitmq C support'
'libsasl: SASL authentication support'
'libutf8proc: UTF8 processing support'
'lua: LUA scripting support'
'mariadb-libs: Maria-DB support'
'mongo-c-driver: C-Interface for Mongo-DB support'
'net-snmp: SNMP support'
'osptoolkit: OSP Toolkit support'
'pcre: Perl Regular-Expression support'
'perl: Perl support'
'postgresql-libs: PostgreSQL-DB support'
'python2: Python v2 support'
'radcli: RAD commandline support'
'rabbitmq: Rabbit CacheMemory support'
'thrift: Thrift support'
'unixodbc: UNIX ODBC support')
checkdepends=('expat' 'libtap-git')



cd "$srcdir"/${pkgbase}

# install app only, excluding console, modules and modules docs
for _cmp in ${_components[@]}; do
make \
BASEDIR="$pkgdir" PREFIX=/usr LIBDIR=lib install-app

# Conforms to the arch packaging standards (
mkdir -p "$pkgdir"/etc/
mv "$pkgdir"/usr/etc/opensips/ "$pkgdir"/etc/
sed -i 's#mpath=".*lib/opensips/modules/"#mpath="/usr/lib/opensips/modules/"#' "$pkgdir"/etc/opensips/opensips.cfg

# fix bad paths
cd "$pkgdir"/usr/share
find -type f -exec sed -i "s#"$pkgdir"##" {} \;

mv "$pkgdir"/usr/sbin "$pkgdir"/usr/bin

cd "$pkgdir"/etc
find -type f -exec sed -i "s#"$pkgdir"##" {} \;

# python2 is being used
cd "$pkgdir"
grep -lR '#!.*python' * | while read file; do sed -s 's/\(#!.*python\)/\12/g' -i "$file"; done

# Systemd files
install -Dm0644 "${srcdir}/${pkgbase}/packaging/arch/${_pkgname}.service" "$pkgdir"/usr/lib/systemd/system/${_pkgname}.service
install -Dm0644 "${srcdir}/${pkgbase}/packaging/arch/${_pkgname}.tmpfiles.conf" "$pkgdir"/usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/${_pkgname}.conf


package_opensips-git-modules() {
pkgdesc="OpenSIPS modules (git version)"

cd "$srcdir"/${pkgbase}

make \
BASEDIR="$pkgdir" PREFIX=/usr LIBDIR=lib install-modules

msg2 "ensure binaries live in /bin and /usr/bin"
mv "$pkgdir"/usr/sbin "$pkgdir"/usr/bin


package_opensips-git-documentation() {
pkgdesc="OpenSIPS modules (git version)"

cd "$srcdir"/${pkgbase}

msg2 "install documentation targets"
make \
BASEDIR="$pkgdir" PREFIX=/usr LIBDIR=lib install-doc install-modules-docbook


msg2 "install README documentation"
if [ ! -d "$DOC_DIR/txt" ]; then
mkdir -p "$DOC_DIR/txt"
chmod 0755 "$DOC_DIR/txt"
chmod --recursive 0644 "$DOC_DIR/txt"

msg2 "install doxygen documentation"
if [ ! -d "$DOC_DIR/doxygen" ]; then
mkdir -p "$DOC_DIR/doxygen"
chmod 0755 "$DOC_DIR/doxygen"
find $pkgdir/usr/share/doc/${_pkgname}/html -print0 | xargs -0 -I '{}' cp -r '{}' "$DOC_DIR/doxygen/"
chmod --recursive 0644 "$DOC_DIR/doxygen"

msg2 "install example configurations"
if [ ! -d $DOC_DIR/examples ]; then
mkdir -p "$DOC_DIR/examples"
chmod 0755 "$DOC_DIR/examples"
if [ -d ./examples ]; then
mv ./examples "$DOC_DIR"
chmod --recursive 0644 "$DOC_DIR/examples"
20 changes: 20 additions & 0 deletions packaging/arch/opensips.install
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
post_install() {
echo "OpenSIPS suite is build as a modular system."
echo "This packages "opensips" just includes the core functionality and the parser."
echo "All sophisticated SIP packet handling is provided through dedicated modules and usage will vary,"
echo "Please install "opensips-modules" and adapt the configuration to your individual needs."
echo "The documentation is provided via the "opensips-documentation" package in different formats."
echo "Beside html-, and text files you will find example configurations explaining the integration of available modules."
echo ""
echo "You are encouraged to make use of a database module."
echo "Thus you needed to install the relevant database package in combination with the corresponding"
echo "opensips module package:
echo "1) 'pacman -S opensips-modules'"
echo "2) To create the opensips specific tables make use of 'opensipsdbctl create'"
echo " eg for MySQL: 'pacman -S mariadb mariadb-clients' -> 'opensipsdbctl create'"
echo " eg for PostgreSQL: 'pacman -S postgresql postgresql-client' -> 'opensipsdbctl create'"

useradd --system --group \
--shell /bin/false --comment "OpenSIPS" \
--home-dir $HOMEDIR --no-create-home opensips || true
23 changes: 23 additions & 0 deletions packaging/arch/opensips.service
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
Description=OpenSIPS is a very fast and flexible SIP (RFC3261) server
Documentation=man:opensips mysqld.service postgresql.service rtpproxy.service

Environment=P_MEMORY=32 S_MEMORY=32
ExecStart=/usr/sbin/opensips -P %t/opensips/ -f /etc/opensips/opensips.cfg -m $S_MEMORY -M $P_MEMORY $OPTIONS
ExecStop=/usr/bin/pkill --pidfile %t/opensips/

1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions packaging/arch/opensips.tmpfiles.conf
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
d /var/run/opensips 0755 opensips opensips

0 comments on commit 53f7479

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