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Fraud detection - first version - untested yet
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andrei-datcu committed Sep 16, 2014
1 parent 8d497dc commit e49090f
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Showing 7 changed files with 442 additions and 28 deletions.
239 changes: 222 additions & 17 deletions modules/fraud_detection/fraud_detection.c
@@ -1,10 +1,13 @@
#include "../../ut.h"
#include "../../db/db.h"
#include "../../time_rec.h"
#include "../../mod_fix.h"
#include "../drouting/dr_api.h"
#include "../dialog/dlg_load.h"

#include "frd_stats.h"
#include "frd_load.h"
#include "frd_events.h"

extern str db_url;
extern str table_name;
Expand All @@ -30,18 +33,24 @@ extern str seqcalls_thresh_crit_col;
dr_head_p dr_head;
struct dr_binds drb;
rw_lock_t *frd_data_lock;
gen_lock_t *frd_seq_calls_lock;

struct dlg_binds dlgb;

static int mod_init(void);
static int child_init(int);
static void destroy(void);

static int check_fraud(struct sip_msg *msg, char *user, char *number, char *pid);
static int fixup_check_fraud(void **param, int param_no);

static cmd_export_t cmds[]={
/* {"get_mapping",(cmd_function)get_mapping,1,fixup_pvar_null,
{"check_fraud", (cmd_function)check_fraud, 3, fixup_check_fraud, 0,

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -134,34 +143,44 @@ static int mod_init(void)
return -1;


if (load_dr_api(&drb) != 0) {
LM_ERR("Cannot load dr_api\n");
if ((frd_seq_calls_lock = lock_alloc()) == NULL) {
LM_ERR("cannot alloc seq_calls lock\n");
return -1;
if (lock_init(frd_seq_calls_lock) == NULL) {
LM_ERR ("cannot init seq_calls lock\n");
return -1;

if (load_dlg_api(&dlgb) != 0) {
LM_ERR("failed to load dialog binds\n");
return -1;

str number = str_init("0754565");
rt_info_t *test = drb.match_number(dr_head, 1, &number);
if (load_dr_api(&drb) != 0) {
LM_ERR("cannot load dr_api\n");
return -1;

if (test) {
frd_thresholds_t *thr = (frd_thresholds_t*)test->attrs.s;
if (init_stats_table() != 0)
return -1;

LM_INFO("xxx - <%u> matched: %d %d %d %d %d\n", test->id, thr->cpm_thr.warning,
thr->call_duration_thr.critical, thr->total_calls_thr.warning,
thr->concurrent_calls_thr.critical, thr->seq_calls_thr.warning);
LM_INFO("no match\n");
/* Check if table version is ok */

return 0;

static int child_init(int rank)
if (rank == 1 && frd_connect_db() && frd_reload_data() != 0) {
LM_ERR ("cannot load data from db\n");
return -1;

return 0;

Expand All @@ -170,5 +189,191 @@ static int child_init(int rank)
static void destroy(void)
LM_INFO("Destroying module\n");

static int fixup_check_fraud(void **param, int param_no)
switch (param_no) {

case 1:
case 2:
return fixup_spve(param);

case 3:
return fixup_igp(param);

LM_CRIT ("Too many parameters for check_fraud\n");
return -1;

static int check_fraud(struct sip_msg *msg, char *_user, char *_number, char *_pid)

static const int rc_error = -3, rc_critical_thr = -2, rc_warning_thr = -1,
rc_ok_thr = 1, rc_no_rule = 2;
str user, number;
unsigned int pid;

static str last_called_prefix;
extern unsigned int frd_data_rev;

if (dr_head == NULL) {
/* No data, probably still loading */
LM_ERR("no data\n");
return rc_error;

/* Get the actual params */

if (fixup_get_svalue(msg, (gparam_p) _user, &user) == 0) {
LM_ERR("Cannot get user value\n");
return rc_error;
if (fixup_get_svalue(msg, (gparam_p) _number, &number) == 0) {
LM_ERR("Cannot get number value\n");
return rc_error;
if (fixup_get_ivalue(msg, (gparam_p)_pid, (int*)&pid) == 0) {
LM_ERR("Cannot get the profile-id value\n");
return rc_error;

/* Find a rule */

unsigned int matched_len;
rt_info_t *rule = drb.match_number(dr_head, pid, &number, &matched_len);

if (rule == NULL) {
/* No match */
LM_DBG("No rule matched for number=<%.*s>, pid=<%d>\n",
number.len, number.s, pid);

return rc_no_rule;

/* We matched a rule */
str prefix = number;
prefix.len = matched_len;
str shm_user;
frd_stats_entry_t *se = get_stats(user, prefix, &shm_user);

/* Check if we need to reset the stats */

struct tm now, then;
time_t nowt = time(NULL);

/* We lock all the stats values */
if (gmtime_r(&se->stats.last_matched_time, &then) == NULL
|| gmtime_r(&nowt, &now) == NULL) {
LM_ERR ("Cannot use gmtime function. Will exit\n");
return rc_ok_thr;

if (se->stats.last_matched_time == 0 || se->stats.last_matched_rule != rule->id
|| then.tm_yday != now.tm_yday || then.tm_year != now.tm_year) {
se->stats.cpm = 0;
se->stats.total_calls = 0;
se->stats.concurrent_calls = 0;

/* Update the stats */

if (last_called_prefix.len == matched_len &&
memcmp(last_called_prefix.s, number.s, matched_len) == 0) {

/* We have called the same number last time */
else {
last_called_prefix.s = shm_realloc(last_called_prefix.s,
matched_len * sizeof(char));
last_called_prefix.len = matched_len;
se->stats.seq_calls = 1;

se->stats.last_matched_rule = rule->id;

/* Calls per FRD_SECS_PER_WINDOW */
if (nowt - se->stats.last_matched_time >= FRD_SECS_PER_WINDOW) {
se->stats.cpm = 0;
memset(se->stats.calls_window, 0,
sizeof(unsigned short) * FRD_SECS_PER_WINDOW);
se->stats.calls_window[nowt % FRD_SECS_PER_WINDOW] = 1;
else {
unsigned int i = nowt % FRD_SECS_PER_WINDOW;
unsigned int j = (se->stats.last_matched_time + 1) % FRD_SECS_PER_WINDOW;
for (;i != j; i = (i - 1 + FRD_SECS_PER_WINDOW) % FRD_SECS_PER_WINDOW) {
se->stats.cpm -= se->stats.calls_window[i];
se->stats.calls_window[i] = 0;

se->stats.last_matched_time = nowt;

/* Check the thresholds */

int rc = rc_no_rule;

frd_thresholds_t *thr = (frd_thresholds_t*)rule->attrs.s;
if (se->stats.cpm > thr->cpm_thr.critical
|| se->stats.total_calls > thr->total_calls_thr.critical
|| se->stats.concurrent_calls > thr->concurrent_calls_thr.critical
|| se->stats.seq_calls > thr->seq_calls_thr.critical)
rc = rc_critical_thr;
else if (se->stats.cpm > thr->cpm_thr.warning
|| se->stats.total_calls > thr->total_calls_thr.warning
|| se->stats.concurrent_calls > thr->concurrent_calls_thr.warning
|| se->stats.seq_calls > thr->seq_calls_thr.warning)
rc = rc_warning_thr;


/* Set dialog callback to check call duration */
struct dlg_cell *dlgc = dlgb.get_dlg();
if (dlgc == NULL) {
if (dlgb.create_dlg(msg, 0) < 0)
LM_ERR ("cannot create new_dlg\n");
else if ( (dlgc = dlgb.get_dlg()) == NULL)
LM_ERR("cannot get the new dlg\n");

if (dlgc) {
frd_dlg_param *param = shm_malloc(sizeof(frd_dlg_param));
if (param == NULL)
LM_ERR("no more shm memory");
else if (shm_str_dup(&param->number, &number) == 0){
param->thr = thr;
param->user = shm_user;
param->ruleid = rule->id;
param->data_rev = frd_data_rev;

/* Register the dlg_terminate cb */
if (shm_str_dup(&param->number, &number) == 0 &&
dlgb.register_dlgcb(dlgc, DLGCB_TERMINATED,
dialog_terminate_CB, NULL, NULL) != 0) {
LM_ERR("cannot register dialog callback\n");
else {


return rc;

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