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cFS Education

David McComas edited this page May 3, 2023 · 2 revisions

This page provides a brief overview of how OSK is designed to be a cFS educational resource. The cFS Education Getting Started Guide goes into much more detail.

The cFS educational material is focused on teaching the core Flight Executive (cFE) services and on developing apps. The platform APIs, Operating System Abstraction Layer (OSAL) and Platform Support Package (PSP) are used, but implementation details behind the APIs are not covered. Platform implementation details can be found at OSK’s cFS community platform list that contains links to platform resources maintained by community members. The figure below shows the apps included in the cFS educational target. The number of apps is intentionally low to minimize complexity so the user can focus on the material being taught. The OSK apps and the cFS FM app are needed to provide a complete runtime and file management environment. Memory Manager and Memory Dwell are used in some demos. A user will create protype apps as they work through exercises.

There are two types of educational resources: cFE services and application development. The cFE services learning resources are accessed via one screen per service as shown below with Executive Service screen. The application development resources are more sophisticated. They begin with using a tool to create a ‘Hello World’ app that includes both the FSW and COSMOS command and telemetry definitions. This is followed by hands-on exercises where the student progressively augments the Hello World app with more features.

  • Created a COSMOS-to-Pi interface that allows the Pi-Sat GPIO demo app to be run from COSMOS over a WiFi connection
  • Released v1.1 of the Raspberry Pi Target that includes pictrl, a python program used to control the COSMOS-PiSat interface
  • Updated Pi-Sat Quick Start Guide to fully describe how to configure and run a remote Pi-Sat target

Recent release notes


Learn the cFS Framework

Systems Engineering

Learn Community Apps

Develop Apps

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