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The official release of the paper “HDhuman: High-quality Human Novel-view Rendering from Sparse Views”.
IEEE access of the paper
Home page of the project

1. Dependencies overview

Python packages

  • numpy
  • scikit-image
  • pillow
  • torch
  • torchvision
  • torch-scatter
  • torch-sparse
  • torch-geometric
  • torch-sparse
  • open3d
  • python-opencv
  • matplotlib
  • pandas

External Code Repository

  • StableViewSynthesis, install in hdhuman/StableViewSynthesis, please refer to Setup example for details.

To compile the Python extensions you will also need Eigen and cmake.

2. Install dependencies.

The code is tested in Ubuntu 20.04.

Create environment.

conda create -n hdhuman python=3.9
#the python version is critial when installing certain version of taichi.
conda activate hdhuman

2.1. Pytorch

Install pytorch and torchvision, tested with pytorch 2.0.1.
The specific installing command will change over time, please refer to the official website

#use the command from the official website
#the following is just an example
conda install pytorch==2.0.1 torchvision==0.15.2 torchaudio==2.0.2 pytorch-cuda=11.8 -c pytorch -c nvidia

2.2. Taichi

Tested with taichi-0.9.0, taichi_glsl-0.0.12

pip install taichi==0.7.26 taichi-glsl==0.0.11

2.3. Other python packages

  • numpy
  • scikit-image
  • pillow
  • torch
  • torchvision
  • torch-scatter
  • torch-sparse
  • torch-geometric
  • open3d
  • python-opencv
  • matplotlib
  • pandas
  • trimesh
#according to the current official torch-scatter torch-scatter torch-geometric website, install them via conda.
conda install pytorch-scatter pytorch-sparse pyg -c pyg

pip install opencv-python matplotlib scikit-image pillow torch-scatter torch-sparse torch-geometric pandas icecream trimesh[all]

2.4. File structure

The final file struct needs to be like:

├── checkpoints
│   ├── encode_net_iter_351000
│   ├── encode_optim_iter_351000
│   ├── render_net_iter_351000
│   └── render_optim_iter_351000
├── example_data
│   ├── 134411543679642
│   ├── 138411542490258
│   ├── 138711555454990
│   ├── 139011543669720
│   └── 140011549916904
├── HDhuman
│   ├── lib
│   ├──
│   └── script
└── StableViewSynthesis

where HDhuman is the folder of the repository.

Clone the repository

git clone

Make sure the relative path is correct referring to File structure.

Initialize the submodule

cd StableViewSynthesis
git submodule update --init --recursive

Some regular packages are required.

#run by sudoers
sudo apt install pkg-config libeigen3-dev

Build ext/preprocess

cd ext/preprocess
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release .

Edit StableViewSynthesis/ext/mytorch/ nvcc_args according to the CUDA devices, e.g. sm_86 is for RTX 3090.

nvcc_args = [

Build ext/mytorch

cd ../mytorch
python build_ext --inplace

A log of installing StableViewSynthesis can be find in log_install_svs.txt.

3. Run rendering on example data with pre-trained weights.

3.1. Prepare data and checkpoints.

  • Download the pre-trained weights and place them in the checkpoints folder.
  • Download the example data and place them in the example_data folder.

The download links are (either of them include full files):
BaiduCloudDisk (The password is 9fn0 and is included in the link.)

  • Download (.tar) files and untar them. The target file structure should be like:
├── checkpoints
│   ├── encode_net_iter_351000
│   ├── encode_optim_iter_351000
│   ├── render_net_iter_351000
│   └── render_optim_iter_351000
├── example_data
│   ├── 134411543679642
│   ├── 138411542490258
│   ├── 138711555454990
│   ├── 139011543669720
│   └── 140011549916904
├── HDhuman
└── StableViewSynthesis

Run a script to check these paths.

#run in the folder of 'HDhuman'
#check the paths of example data and checkpoints
python script/
#with assertions in this script should have no output.

3.2. Run rendering

python script/

Some config can be edited directly in, e.g.

NUM_VIEW_OUTPUT = 180 #can be factors of 360, there are 360 pre-defined views

The output of the render can be found in example_data/render_output.

4. Tips for editing code to run rendering with custom data.

referring to the projection prepare the following data

  • reconstructed mesh.
  • multi-view input with camera parameters make sure the camera parameters can pass the projection check like HDhuman/script/ and call the function render_one_subject_from_path_and_write_to_folder() in HDhuman/lib/test/
#check the path of example data
python script/
#the output should be in ```example_data/check_camera```, which projects the vertice of the mesh to the image according to the camera parameters.


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