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OpenVidu documentation

OpenVidu docs are generated with MkDocs and hosted in Read the Docs.

You can edit any page or add a new one, writing text using the Markdown format.

The MkDocs theme we're using is a heavily modified version of the stock mkdocs theme; it uses HTML template files that are written with the Jinja template language.

Editing contents

  • Clone this repository and edit your new contents inside the docs/ folder, using Markdown format.

  • To add new pages, create a new Markdown file (.md) in any of the existing folders.

  • To add new document categories, create a new folder; the folder name will become the category name. Then update mkdocs.yml by adding a new element as a nav child if you want to link your new file from the navigation menu.

Check spelling

Please use a text editor that provides spell checking and live-preview visualization of Markdown files; this alone will help catching most grammatical and syntactic mistakes. Visual Studio Code is a great option, it provides both of these things, with extensions such as code-spell-checker:

code --install-extension streetsidesoftware.code-spell-checker

Building and previewing

Install dependencies

You'll need these tools:

  • Python 3.
  • The PIP package installer, used to install MkDocs.
  • Optionally, but strongly recommended, the Python's virtual env tool.
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends \
    python3 python3-pip python3-venv

To install MkDocs:

# Create and load the Python virtual environment
python3 -m venv python_modules
source python_modules/bin/activate

# Install MkDocs and its dependencies
python3 -m pip install wheel
python3 -m pip install --upgrade -r requirements.txt

Build docs

Run mkdocs serve, and open the newly built files with a web browser:

# Load the Python virtual environment
source python_modules/bin/activate

# Build and serve the documentation files
mkdocs serve

The newly built documentation will become available at