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OpenZeppelin Ethereum Packages registry

This registry was formerly known as ZeppelinOS EVM Packages registry. The documentation and site still have the old naming.

The official front end for Zeppelin OS EVM packages. The app is live here

To run the project against a local node you can use the zos-vouching-mock. The mock project allows you to easily bootstrap a local Ganache instance with test data so that you can develop the app locally.


Install dependencies:

$ yarn

Make sure you have direnv installed and copy .envrc.example to .envrc:

$ cp .envrc.example .envrc
$ direnv allow

Now you may configure the ZOS Vouching contract addresses. The project is already configured with mock zOS Vouching Ropsten contract addresses in the file called networks/3.json. To get up and running right away run:

$ yarn apply-registry

This will generate files that match the Truffle artifact shape for contract network configs. These files are pulled into the app. If you want to setup a custom test environment then you follow the custom contract configuration instructions below.

To run the local server, run:

$ yarn start

To build the production version of the site run:

$ yarn build


You can configure the app using environment variables:

Environment Variable Name Description Recommended Value
REACT_APP_ALLOWED_NETWORK_IDS Network ids that the app recognizes. We use 1234 as the local network id. "1234 3 1"
REACT_APP_MAINNET_STARTING_BLOCK Starting block number for event searches on mainnet. Required! 7189521
REACT_APP_DEFAULT_NETWORK_NAME Default network when no Ethereum provider is found. See Ethers.js homestead
REACT_APP_NEXT_RELEASE_FEATURE_FLAG Feature flag to show features that are hidden true
REACT_APP_SENTRY_DSN Optionally configure Sentry (error reporting) Empty
REACT_APP_MIXPANEL_ID Mixpanel app id e5f3a0b990d694b84981f493169f47c4
REACT_APP_GA_TRACKING_ID Optional Google Analytics Tracking ID No default
REACT_APP_INTERCOM_APP_ID Optional Intercom tracking ID (initially used for the beta signup form) No default

Custom Contract Addresses

We use truffle-deploy-registry to manage the contract addresses. TDR merges network config files into Truffle artifacts. Each network config file stores an array of deployed contracts in chronological order. The newest addresses for each contract and from each network config are merged into a standard Truffle artifact JSON object.

Create a network config for the contracts deployed to the zos-vouching-mock. The network id for the zos-vouching-mock ganache-cli node is 1234, so create a file like so:


    "contractName": "ZepToken",
    "address": "0x1111111111111111111111111111111111111111"
    "contractName": "Vouching",
    "address": "0x2222222222222222222222222222222222222222"

Make sure to replace the above addresses with the actual addresses in the generated zos config file in the zos-vouching-mock project directory.

Now generate the Truffle artifacts to be included in the build:

$ yarn apply-registry

This will generate Truffle-compatible artifacts in the build/contracts directory.

Updating the Contract ABIs

The ABIs live in src/apollo/abi. They are currently hard-coded in the app, so any changes to the contracts will require these files to be updated.

Made with ❤️ by Delta Camp