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Installation Guide (Windows)

Jon Evans edited this page Aug 13, 2017 · 7 revisions

1. Install Dependencies

FireMix requires Python 3 and a number of third party libraries.

Install the latest version of Python 3 (3.6.2 as of this writing). Recent Windows installers will automatically place Python and its helper tools in the path, so you can run them from the command line.

There are not pre-built Windows binaries of numpy and scipy hosted on PyPI, so to avoid compiling them from source, you should download them from a third-party site and install them. On this site, make sure to download the appropriate package for your Python version ("cp36" for Python 3.6). Note that you should use the 32-bit ("win32") packages if you installed a 32-bit version of Python, even if your Windows OS is 64-bit.

Next, install the rest of the library dependencies using pip:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Note: as of 2017-08-13, the vec_noise library does not have a Windows binary wheel in PyPI. This means that you'll need to either compile this library from source (requires MSVC++) or get the wheel from someone else who has built it for you.

2. Create default files

The repository ships with example settings and playlist files to get you started (the program can not yet create them automatically). You will need to create local copies (do not include these copies in pull requests!). In the command line:

copy data/settings.json.example data/settings.json
copy data/playlists/default.json.example data/playlists/default.json

(You can also just use Windows Explorer to copy and rename the files)

3. Compile Qt resources

The GUI forms need to be run through Qt's compiler. Since we use PyQt5, the program is called pyuic5. There are scripts you can run to automatically compile all of the resources.

Run the script compile-ui.bat.

4. Startup

At this point, you should be able to run FireMix and see output on FireSim. Use the command:

python demo