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Repository files navigation


Javascript calls to send SMS and received SMS

  1. Clone the repository using git clone

  2. cd into project folder

  3. run npm install

  4. run touch .env in the root of the folder

  5. Open vi .env file to and add twilio keys

    Note: You should be a registred twilio user to generate keys and twilio_phone_number

    • SID=Account_SID_key
    • Token=Account_Auth_Token
    • number=Registered_Twilio_number
  6. run touch .gitignore

  7. Add node_modules and .env file(keep your keys protected) to .gitignore

  8. run npm start

It is an express app which runs on localhost://3000

For Facebook Account Kit you need to navigate to to create a new app.

Once your your app has been created, you then create an account kit,

navigate to +add product , look for account kit and click get started then set it up .


  • set the Server URLs to the url of your landing page of your project eg, localhost/accountkit etc

  • Enable Client Access Token Flow by clicking yes

  • Under the Require App Secret field , set it to NO

By now you will have your appid and account kit app secret

To locate account kit app secret, on your developers page on facebook navigate to >>Account kit >> and look for Account Kit App Secret

click on show to reaveal

This should be edited on

  1. .env file //located in your project folder
  2. ack.js //located at public/js/

If all goes well then you should give yourself a treat.

Mentor : Darshan Desai,

Contributors : Bhavya Shankar , Vidit Manyar,

PO : Priyanka Jain,

UDE : Suja Raju