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Source code for our paper: Randomized Greedy Algorithms and Composable Coreset for k-Center Clustering with Outliers.


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This is the source code for our paper: Randomized Greedy Algorithms and Composable Coreset for k-Center Clustering with Outliers.

The algorithms are implemented in MATLAB R2019b.

Main Organization of the Code

  • datasets: this folder contains the datasets, including "shuttle" (the Shuttle dataset), "tiny_covertype" (100,000 randomly-selected instances from the Covertype dataset), "tiny_kddcup99" (100,000 randomly-selected instances from the KDD Cup 1999 dataset) and "tiny_pokerhand" (100,000 randomly-selected instances from the Poker Hand dataset).
  • utils
    • alg_meb.m: the algorithm for computing minimum enclosing ball [1].
    • calc_t_for_alg1_to_comp_with_alg3.m: calculates the value of $t$ for Algorithm 1 to output the same number of centers as Algorithm 3 does.
    • generate_outliers.m: generates outliers.
  • alg_1_for_alg5.m: Algorithm 1 that serves as a subroutine in Algorithm 5.
  • alg_1_for_comp_with_alg3.m: Algorithm 1 that outputs the same number of centers as Algorithm 3 does.
  • alg_2.m: Algorithm 2.
  • alg_3.m: Algorithm 3.
  • alg_5_using_alg_1_deterministic.m: Algorithm 5 that constructs a coreset of the specified size.
  • alg_5_using_alg_1_nondeterministic.m: Algorithm 5.
  • alg_6.m: Algorithm 6.
  • alg_baseline_1.m: the "BVX" algorithm [2].
  • alg_baseline_2.m: the "CPP" algorithm [3].
  • alg_baseline_2_for_comp_with_alg5.m: the CPP algorithm that outputs the same number of points as Algorithm 5 does.
  • alg_baseline_3.m: the "MKC+" algorithm [4].
  • alg_baseline_3_center.m: the "CLUSTER" algorithm [4].
  • alg_baseline_4.m: the "GLZ" algorithm [5].
  • alg_baseline_5.m: the "LG" algorithm [6].
  • alg_baseline_6.m: the "CKM+" algorithm [7].
  • alg_baseline_6_weighted.m: a weighted version of the CKM+ algorithm, that is, it takes as input not only a set of points, but also the corresponding weights.
  • alg_baseline_7.m: the "MK" algorithm [8].
  • alg_baseline_7_weighted.m: a weighted version of the MK algorithm.
  • alg_uniform.m: the "UNIFORM" algorithm.
  • main_alg1_alg3.m: performs experiments for Algorithm 1 and Algorithm 3.
  • main_alg2.m: performs experiments for Algorithm 2.
  • main_alg5.m: performs experiments for Algorithm 5.
  • main_alg6.m: performs experiments for Algorithm 6.

Running the Code

Algorithm 1 and Algorithm 3

Run main_alg1_alg3.m in the following way:

matlab -nodisplay -r "dataset_={dataset};alg={algorithm};ratio_outliers={ratio_outliers};k_min={k_min};k_max={k_max};main_alg1_alg3;exit;"
  • {dataset}: the name of a dataset. Choices:
    • 'shuttle'
    • 'tiny_covertype'
    • 'tiny_kddcup99'
    • 'tiny_pokerhand'
  • {algorithm}: the name of an algorithm. Choices:
    • 'alg1'
    • 'alg3'
    • 'baseline1'
  • {ratio_outliers}: the ratio of outliers.
  • {k_min} and {k_max}: the value of $k$ changes from {k_min} to {k_max} at intervals of 2.

For example,

matlab -nodisplay -r "dataset_='shuttle';alg='alg1';ratio_outliers=0.01;k_min=4;k_max=6;main_alg1_alg3;exit;"

Algorithm 2

Run main_alg2.m in the following way:

matlab -nodisplay -r "dataset_={dataset};alg={algorithm};ratio_outliers={ratio_outliers};k_min={k_min};k_max={k_max};main_alg2;exit;"
  • {algorithm}: the name of an algorithm. Choices:
    • 'alg2'
    • 'baseline1'
    • 'baseline6'
    • 'baseline7'
  • {k_min} and {k_max}: the value of $k$ changes from {k_min} to {k_max} at intervals of 1.

For example,

matlab -nodisplay -r "dataset_='shuttle';alg='alg2';ratio_outliers=0.01;k_min=2;k_max=3;main_alg2;exit;"

Algorithm 5

Run main_alg5.m in the following way:

matlab -nodisplay -r "dataset_={dataset};alg_coreset={algorithm};ratio_outliers={ratio_outliers};ratio_alg5={ratio_alg5};eta={eta_alg5};main_alg5;exit;"
  • {algorithm}: the name of an algorithm for coreset construction. Choices:
    • 'alg5_using_alg1'
    • 'baseline2'
    • 'uniform'
    • 'none'
  • {ratio_alg5}: the ratio of the size of coreset to that of the whole dataset.
  • {eta_alg5}: the value of $\eta$ for Algorithm 5. Not required for other algorithms.

For example,

matlab -nodisplay -r "dataset_='shuttle';alg_coreset='alg5_using_alg1';ratio_outliers=0.01;ratio_alg5=0.03;eta=0.1;main_alg5;exit;"

Before running 'baseline2' or 'uniform', make sure you have finished running 'alg5_using_alg1', since 'baseline2' and 'uniform' relies on the output of 'alg5_using_alg1' to decide the size of the coreset.

Algorithm 6

Run main_alg6.m in the following way:

matlab -nodisplay -r "dataset_={dataset};alg={algorithm};ratio_outliers={ratio_outliers};s_values={s_values};mu_alg6={mu_alg6};delta_alg6={delta_alg6};mu_base2_values={mu_base2_values};eps_base5_values={eps_base5_values};main_alg6;exit;"
  • {algorithm}: the name of an algorithm. Choices:
    • 'alg6'
    • 'baseline2'
    • 'baseline3'
    • 'baseline4'
    • 'baseline5'
  • {s_values}: the values of the number of sites, $s$.
  • {mu_alg6}: the value of $\mu$ for Algorithm 6. Not required for other algorithms.
  • {delta_alg6}: the value of $\delta$ for Algorithm 6. Not required for other algorithms.
  • {mu_base2_values}: the values of $\lambda$ for CPP. Not required for other algorithms.
  • {eps_base5_values}: the values of $\epsilon$ for LG. Not required for other algorithms.

For example,

matlab -nodisplay -r "dataset_='shuttle';alg='alg6';ratio_outliers=0.01;s_values=[2,4,8,16];mu_alg6=0.9;delta_alg6=0.1;main_alg6;exit;"
matlab -nodisplay -r "dataset_='shuttle';alg='baseline2';ratio_outliers=0.01;s_values=[2,4,8,16];mu_base2_values=[1,2,4];main_alg6;exit;"
matlab -nodisplay -r "dataset_='shuttle';alg='baseline5';ratio_outliers=0.01;s_values=[2,4,8,16];eps_base5_values=[0.1,0.99];main_alg6;exit;"


[1] Smaller Core-Sets for Balls.
[2] Greedy Sampling for Approximate Clustering in the Presence of Outliers.
[3] Solving k-Center Clustering (with Outliers) in Mapreduce and Streaming, almost as Accurately as Sequentially.
[4] Fast Distributed k-Center Clustering with Outliers on Massive Data.
[5] Distributed Partial Clustering.
[6] Distributed k-Clustering for Data with Heavy Noise.
[7] Algorithms for Facility Location Problems with Outliers.
[8] Streaming Algorithms for k-Center Clustering with Outliers and with Anonymity.


Source code for our paper: Randomized Greedy Algorithms and Composable Coreset for k-Center Clustering with Outliers.





