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Frequently Asked Questions

OpticFusion1 edited this page Feb 28, 2023 · 1 revision


This wiki page contains frequently asked questions (FAQ) buyers may have when configuring or using Aurora. If you cannot find your answer here, feel free to join us on our support discord server and our support team will get to you shortly.

What version does Aurora support?

Aurora supports all Spigot versions from 1.9 - 1.17 at the time of writing.

How do I configure Aurora or add new particles?

Refer to the guide on particle configuration. If you need further assistance, feel free to join our support discord server and ask the community.

Why are the default particles not generating?

Default particle configs generated by Aurora can be found in /plugins/Aurora/particles. However, these files do not generate properly sometimes. This is a known issue with some operating systems and we're working hard on fixing it. To obtain the default particle configs, simply join our support discord server and the support team will grant you access to these files (and some additional community-made configs free of charge) once we have verified your purchase.

How do I set particles for WorldGuard regions?

This section has been moved to the WorldGuard compatibility section of the wiki.

Does Aurora support custom world generators and custom biomes?

Since Aurora 1.5.0, the plugin will support any custom-generated world with custom biomes as long as it meets the following conditions:

  • The world was generated on a Spigot server (not Forge/other modded software like MCEdit)
  • The world generator does not mix vanilla biomes such that each adjacent block is a different biome
    • While Aurora will work perfectly fine with such generators, particle types will constantly change if the player is moving making it look unaesthetic

All other custom terrain generators, datapacks which inject new biomes, etc will be fully compatible with Aurora.

For Aurora 1.4.7 and below:

  • If Aurora encounters an incompatible or custom biome name, particle configurations containing THE_VOID biome under spawning.biomes will be used.

What are the minimum server specifications required to run Aurora?

While Aurora is highly optimised, it is no lie that spawning hundreds of particles per tick will result in some form of performance loss regardless of your hardware.

We recommend all users to run Aurora on a dedicated server with high core frequencies (3+ Ghz). A multicore system (4+ vCores) is also strongly encouraged as Aurora is made to be highly async. The ability to run particle management tasks on multiple threads will bring huge performance benefits to any server.

Due to the way particles work in Minecraft, Aurora is known to be bandwidth-heavy. Ensure that your server has a network connection speed of at least 25mbps for smooth gameplay.

Java 16 or higher is required to run Aurora.

What can I do to optimise performance with Aurora?

Aurora is tested to be suitable for medium-sized servers with around 20-30 concurrent players. For clients with low-end servers or a larger playerbase, it is highly recommended to:

  • Use smaller shapes (radius & length)
  • Decrease the parameter particle.maxCount
  • Increase the parameter properties.update
  • Increase the parameter properties.rate
  • Disable lighting in particle.enableLighting
  • Reduce the number of biomes in each particle config
  • Make ambient particles a donator-only option using permission nodes