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IPKG OPKG Open Package Manager

Anthon Pang edited this page Jan 25, 2018 · 1 revision

Optware-ng uses OPKG Open Package Manager's command line utility to install, upgrade and uninstall opkg software packages. Optware aliases opkg-cl to ipkg for backwards compatibility.


  • update Update list of available packages
  • upgrade Upgrade installed packages
  • install <package(s)> Install package(s)
  • configure <package(s)> Configure unpacked package(s)
  • remove <packages|glob> Remove package(s). glob works like a shell globbing pattern and could be something like ’pkgname*’, ’*file*’, or similar
  • flag <flag> <packages> Flag package(s). Available flags (one per invocation):
    • hold
    • noprune
    • user
    • ok
    • installed
    • unpacked
  • list List available packages
  • list‐installed List installed packages
  • list‐upgradable List installed and upgradable packages
  • list‐changed‐conffiles List package configuration files which have been modified after installation
  • files <package> List files belonging to package
  • search <file|glob> List package providing file
  • info [package|glob] Display all info for selected packages
  • status [package|glob] Display all statuses for selected packages
  • download <package> Download package to current directory
  • compare‐version <version1> <operator> <version2> compare versions using following operators:
    • << less than
    • < less than or equal to
    • <= less than or equal to
    • = equal to
    • >= greater than or equal to
    • > greater than or equal to
    • >> greater than
  • print‐architecture List installable package architectures
  • whatdepends [−A] <package(s)|glob>
  • whatdependsrec [−A] <package(s)|glob>
  • whatprovides [−A] <package(s)|glob>
  • whatconflicts [−A] <package(s)|glob>
  • whatreplaces [−A] <package(s)|glob>


  • −A Query all packages not just those installed
  • −v <level>, ‐‐verbosity <level> Set verbosity level to level. Verbosity levels:
    • 0 errors only
    • 1 normal messages (default)
    • 2 informative messages
    • 3 debug
    • 4 debug level 2
  • −f <conf_file>, −‐conf <conf_file> Use conf_file as the opkg configuration file
  • −‐cache <directory> Use a package cache
  • −d <dest_name>, −‐dest <dest_name> Use dest_name as the the root directory for package installation, removal, upgrading. dest_name should be a defined dest name from the configuration file, (but can also be a directory name in a pinch).
  • −o <directory>, −‐offline‐root <directory> Use directory as the root directory for offline installation of packages.
  • −‐add‐dest <name>:<path> Register path as installation target name for use in conjunction with −‐dest
  • −‐add‐arch <arch>:<prio> Register the package architecture arch with the numeric priority prio. Lower priorities take precedence.
  • −‐force‐depends Install/remove despite failed dependencies
  • −‐force‐maintainer Overwrite preexisting config files
  • −‐force‐reinstall Reinstall package(s)
  • −‐force‐overwrite Overwrite files from other package(s)
  • −‐force‐downgrade Allow ipkg to downgrade packages
  • −‐force‐space Disable free space checks
  • −‐force‐postinstall Execute package postinstall scripts in offline installation mode
  • −‐noaction No action − test only
  • −‐download‐only No action − download only
  • −‐nodeps Do not follow dependencies
  • −‐force‐removal‐of‐dependent‐packages Remove package and all dependencies
  • −‐autoremove Remove packages that were installed automatically to satisfy dependencies
  • −t <directory>, −‐tmp‐dir <directory> Specify directory as temporary directory

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