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Hurl JVM


Hurl JVM is a Hurl client for the JVM platform, written in Kotlin. Hurl JVM is available as a standalone jar, launchable in a shell (ex: java -jar hurl.jar test.hurl). Hurl JVM try to have the same functionality as the official Hurl client.

deploy status documentation

CLI Usage

usage: java -jar hurl.jar file
    --color                              Colorize output (not yet
    --compressed                         Request a compressed response
                                         using one of the algorithms br,
                                         gzip, deflate and automatically
                                         decompress the content
    --connect-timeout <SECONDS>          Maximum time in seconds that you
                                         allow Hurl’s connection to take.
                                         See also -m, --max-time option.
    --file-root <file>                   Specify the root directory for
                                         file inclusions
 -h,--help                               This help text
 -i,--include                            Include HTTP headers in the
 -k,--insecure                           Allow connections to SSL sites
                                         without certs
 -L,--location                           Follow redirect
 -m,--max-time <SECONDS>                 Maximum time in seconds that you
                                         allow a request/response to take.
                                         This is the standard timeout.
                                         See also --connect-timeout
    --no-color                           Do not colorize output (not yet
 -o,--output <file>                      Write output to <file> instead of
    --to-entry <entry-number>            Execute Hurl file to
                                         <entry-number> (starting at 1).
                                         Ignore the remaining of the file
 -u,--user <user:password>               Specify the user name and
                                         password to use for server
                                         authentication (currently only
                                         Basic Authentication is
 -V,--version                            Show version number and quit
 -v,--verbose                            Make the operation more talkative
    --variable <name=value>              Define variable (example:
                                         --variable answer=42)
 -x,--proxy <[protocol://]host[:port]>   Use proxy on given port, only
                                         http proxy is supported


Hurl JVM need JDK 8 to be build against, and use Gradle.

To build the project:

./gradlew build

To test and produce a coverage report:

./gradlew test
./gradlew hurl-core:jacocoTestReport

Source Code Structure

  • hurl-core: core modules, can be used as a library for building app using Hurl.
  • hurl-cli: standalone CLI application for Hurl
  • hurl-fmt: standalone CLI application for formatting Hurl files

Importing Hurl JVM modules in a Gradle Project

Gradle Groovy DSL

implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation ''

Gradle Kotlin DSL


Apache Maven
