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@OrangeChannel OrangeChannel released this 03 Aug 12:34
· 59 commits to master since this release

VFR support is here!

Now supports variable-framerate clips (i.e. VideoNodes with a fps of 0 because of changing framerates).
The current implementation does not require you to do anything differently, but might be pretty slow depending on the source filter used and how long the clip is. Once/if vapoursynth/vapoursynth#613 gets merged, this might become much faster but not really certain.

Has no effect on CFR clips, and old behavior of acsuite.eztrim should be identical without a speed impact.

May change in the future to allow the user to specify a timecodes v2 file (that can be generated with ffms2 for example) as this would really have no speed impact (besides the need to generate the index for the source file if using something like ffms2), but v5.y.z will always allow VFR clips to be given as acsuite.eztrim's clip param without needing a timecodes file.

This release also fixes a bug where non-recognized audio file extensions (ones that aren't supported by any current FFmpeg audio encoders) would break because of an uninitialized list codec_args, the behavior is as intended now, with FFmpeg re-encoding anything it doesn't recognize into a .wav file (using lossless pcm_s16le codec).