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This repository has been archived by the owner on May 30, 2023. It is now read-only.


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@rhysnhall rhysnhall released this 27 Oct 04:22


Core changes

  • Removed node-sass package in favor of dart-sass.

  • Added support for CSS variables. Customization of your theme can now be done without using SASS.

  • Added createColor() function. It takes a color as a parameter and returns a formatted color based on the value of the $color-type variable. Supported values are 'hsl', 'rgba' and 'hex'. This ensures consistency throughout the framework.

  • Added createHSLColor($color) function. This accepts any CSS color value and returns the HSL equivalent.

  • Added createRGBAColor($color) function. This accepts any CSS color value and returns the RGBA equivalent.

  • Added createHexColor($color) function. This accepts any CSS color value and returns the HEX equivalent.

  • Removed a handful of functions from _function.scss. See the deprecations section for a full list.

  • Added $color-type variable to _colors.scss. This variable controls the framework wide format for colors to be generated. Supported values are 'hsl', 'rgba' and 'hex'.

  • Removed link and disabled from the $color-palette list. These colors still exist and can be referenced as per usual.

  • Added new secondary color to the color palette.

  • CSS variables added for each color along with a lighter and darker version, a text color and an alert color.

  • Replaced most variables in _general.scss with CSS variables.

  • Added has-no-transition helper to the global helpers. It sets the transition property of an element to none.

  • title and subtitle changed to heading and subheading. Variables updated to reflect this change.

  • Added the is-subheading modifier to replace the subtitle modifier.

  • Controls for background and font color added to the hero__content and hero__footer element. Background color can no longer be set on the hero block.

  • Added a max width control to images within the top__brand element.

  • Various changes to the appearance of certain module elements.

  • Removed color($key) function.

  • Removed title-size($key) function.

  • Removed has-bg-link and has-text-link modifiers from the color module.

  • Removed the set of is-*-title modifiers from the Typography module.

  • Removed the subtitle modifier from the Typography module.

  • Add CSS variable support to all modules. Refer to the documentation of each module for the list of CSS variables.

New Sass variables

Variable Module Default value
$hero-background-color Hero hsl(0deg, 0%, 100%, 1)
$hero-color Hero hsl(0deg, 0%, 22%, 1)
$input-error-background Form hsl(348deg, 100%, 58%, 0.2)
$input-error-border-color Form hsl(347deg, 100%, 58%, 1)
$input-error-color Form hsl(0deg, 0%, 22%, 1)
$input-border-width Form 1px
$select-loading-speed Form .8s
$select-loading-width Form 2px
$select-loading-color Form hsl(32deg, 12%, 82%, 1)
$top-shadow Top (Navbar) none
$top-brand-color Top (Navbar) inherit
$top-brand-max-logo-width Top (Navbar) 200px
$top-link-background Top (Navbar) hsl(0deg, 0%, 66%, 0.15)
$top-social-hover-color Top (Navbar) inherit
$menu-list-background Menu transparent
$menu-list-hover-background Menu hsl(0deg, 0%, 75%, 0.09)
$menu-list-hover-color Menu hsl(0deg, 0%, 22%, 1)
$menu-divider-width Menu 1px
$menu-divider-color Menu hsl(210deg, 16%, 92%, 1)
$menu-expandable-border-width Menu 1px
$menu-expandable-border-color Menu hsl(210deg, 16%, 92%, 1)
$pagination-border-color Pagination transparent
$pagination-border-width Pagination 1px
$pagination-border-radius Pagination 0
$pagination-hover-color Pagination hsl(0deg, 0%, 22%, 1)
$pagination-bordered-color Pagination hsl(0deg, 0%, 22%, 1)
$pagination-bordered-border-color Pagination 4px
$pagination-bordered-active-border-color Pagination hsl(255deg, 73%, 58%, 1)
$pagination-bordered-active-color Pagination hsl(0deg, 0%, 100%, 1)
$pagination-bordered-hover-background Pagination hsl(0deg, 0%, 100%, 1)
$pagination-bordered-hover-border-color Pagination hsl(33, 12%, 72%, 1)
$pagination-bordered-hover-color Pagination hsl(0deg, 0%, 22%, 1)
$accordion-border-width Accordion 1px
$accordion-border-color Accordion hsl(0deg, 0%, 90%, 1)
$accordion-title-background-color Accordion transparent
$accordion-content-color Accordion hsl(0deg, 0%, 22%, 1)
$accordion-content-background Accordion hsl(0deg, 0%, 100%, 1)
$alert-background-color Alert hsl(0deg, 0%, 100%, 1)
$alert-color Alert hsl(0deg, 0%, 22%, 1)
$button-hover-background Button hsl(0deg, 0%, 100%, 1)
$button-hover-color Button hsl(0deg, 0%, 22%, 1)
$button-rounded-radius Button 6px
$button-loading-speed Button 0.8s
$dropdown-color Dropdown hsl(0deg, 0%, 22%, 1)
$dropdown-border-width Dropdown 1px
$dropdown-border-color Dropdown hsl(0deg, 0%, 80%, 0.34)
$dropdown-link-hover-color Dropdown inherit
$image-thumb-border-width Image 1px
$image-thumb-border-color Image hsl(33, 12%, 82%, 1)
$modal-color Modal hsl(0deg, 0%, 22%, 1)
$table-background-color Table hsl(0deg, 0%, 100%, 1)
$table-color Table hsl(0deg, 0%, 22%, 1)
$tab-item-background Tabs hsl(0deg, 0%, 100%, 1)
$tab-item-active-background Tabs hsl(0deg, 0%, 100%, 1)
$tab-item-hover-color Tabs hsl(234deg, 100%, 64%, 1)
$tab-item-hover-background Tabs hsl(0deg, 0%, 100%, 1)
$tab-content-background Tabs transparent
$tab-content-color Tabs hsl(0deg, 0%, 22%, 1)
$secondary Colors #ff5e82
$theme-font-color Base hsl(0deg, 0%, 22%, 1)
$theme-background-color Base hsl(0deg, 0%, 100%, 1)

Removed Sass variables

Variable Module Replaced with
$select-arrow-height Form -
$input-border Form $input-border-color
$top-burger-height Top (Navbar) -
$menu-list-hover Menu $menu-list-hover-background
$menu-divider Menu $menu-divider-color
$menu-expandable-border Menu $menu-expandable-border-color
$pagination-border Pagination $pagination-border-color
$pagination-rounded Pagination $pagination-rounded-radius
$pagination-bordered Pagination $pagination-bordered-border-color
$pagination-bordered-active Pagination $pagination-bordered-active-background
$pagination-bordered-hover Pagination $pagination-bordered-hover-border-color
$accordion-border Accordion $accordion-border-color
$button-border-style Button -
$button-text-align Button -
$button-loading-animation Button $button-loading-speed
$card-border-style Card -
$dropdown-border Dropdown $dropdown-border-color
$dropdown-radius Dropdown $dropdown-border-radius
$dropdown-link-hover Dropdown $dropdown-link-hover-background
$image-thumb-border Image $image-thumb-border-color
$media-border-style Media -
$tag-border-style Tags -
$body-font-color Base $theme-font-color