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136 lines (103 loc) · 6.56 KB

File metadata and controls

136 lines (103 loc) · 6.56 KB


All URIs are relative to

Method HTTP request Description
getCharactersCharacterIdSearch GET /v3/characters/{character_id}/search/ Search on a string
getSearch GET /v2/search/ Search on a string


GetCharactersCharacterIdSearchOk getCharactersCharacterIdSearch(categories, characterId, search, acceptLanguage, datasource, ifNoneMatch, language, strict, token)

Search on a string

Search for entities that match a given sub-string. --- This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds


// Import classes:
//import enterprises.orbital.eve.esi.client.invoker.ApiClient;
//import enterprises.orbital.eve.esi.client.invoker.ApiException;
//import enterprises.orbital.eve.esi.client.invoker.Configuration;
//import enterprises.orbital.eve.esi.client.invoker.auth.*;
//import enterprises.orbital.eve.esi.client.api.SearchApi;

ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: evesso
OAuth evesso = (OAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("evesso");
evesso.setAccessToken("YOUR ACCESS TOKEN");

SearchApi apiInstance = new SearchApi();
List<String> categories = Arrays.asList("categories_example"); // List<String> | Type of entities to search for
Integer characterId = 56; // Integer | An EVE character ID
String search = "search_example"; // String | The string to search on
String acceptLanguage = "en-us"; // String | Language to use in the response
String datasource = "tranquility"; // String | The server name you would like data from
String ifNoneMatch = "ifNoneMatch_example"; // String | ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag
String language = "en-us"; // String | Language to use in the response, takes precedence over Accept-Language
Boolean strict = false; // Boolean | Whether the search should be a strict match
String token = "token_example"; // String | Access token to use if unable to set a header
try {
    GetCharactersCharacterIdSearchOk result = apiInstance.getCharactersCharacterIdSearch(categories, characterId, search, acceptLanguage, datasource, ifNoneMatch, language, strict, token);
} catch (ApiException e) {
    System.err.println("Exception when calling SearchApi#getCharactersCharacterIdSearch");


Name Type Description Notes
categories List<String> Type of entities to search for [enum: agent, alliance, character, constellation, corporation, faction, inventory_type, region, solar_system, station, structure]
characterId Integer An EVE character ID
search String The string to search on
acceptLanguage String Language to use in the response [optional] [default to en-us] [enum: de, en-us, fr, ja, ru, zh]
datasource String The server name you would like data from [optional] [default to tranquility] [enum: tranquility, singularity]
ifNoneMatch String ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag [optional]
language String Language to use in the response, takes precedence over Accept-Language [optional] [default to en-us] [enum: de, en-us, fr, ja, ru, zh]
strict Boolean Whether the search should be a strict match [optional] [default to false]
token String Access token to use if unable to set a header [optional]

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json


GetSearchOk getSearch(categories, search, acceptLanguage, datasource, ifNoneMatch, language, strict)

Search on a string

Search for entities that match a given sub-string. --- This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds


// Import classes:
//import enterprises.orbital.eve.esi.client.invoker.ApiException;
//import enterprises.orbital.eve.esi.client.api.SearchApi;

SearchApi apiInstance = new SearchApi();
List<String> categories = Arrays.asList("categories_example"); // List<String> | Type of entities to search for
String search = "search_example"; // String | The string to search on
String acceptLanguage = "en-us"; // String | Language to use in the response
String datasource = "tranquility"; // String | The server name you would like data from
String ifNoneMatch = "ifNoneMatch_example"; // String | ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag
String language = "en-us"; // String | Language to use in the response, takes precedence over Accept-Language
Boolean strict = false; // Boolean | Whether the search should be a strict match
try {
    GetSearchOk result = apiInstance.getSearch(categories, search, acceptLanguage, datasource, ifNoneMatch, language, strict);
} catch (ApiException e) {
    System.err.println("Exception when calling SearchApi#getSearch");


Name Type Description Notes
categories List<String> Type of entities to search for [enum: agent, alliance, character, constellation, corporation, faction, inventory_type, region, solar_system, station]
search String The string to search on
acceptLanguage String Language to use in the response [optional] [default to en-us] [enum: de, en-us, fr, ja, ru, zh]
datasource String The server name you would like data from [optional] [default to tranquility] [enum: tranquility, singularity]
ifNoneMatch String ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag [optional]
language String Language to use in the response, takes precedence over Accept-Language [optional] [default to en-us] [enum: de, en-us, fr, ja, ru, zh]
strict Boolean Whether the search should be a strict match [optional] [default to false]

Return type



No authorization required

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json