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Extension to help you speccing your domain objects.

Includes a matcher and token for value objects, which will make it possible to compare objects by their values and not internal identities within tests.

To install it, use Composer:

$ composer require --dev ormin/phpspec-ddd-project-extension:dev-master

Then in a phpspec.yml file of your project, add the following:

    - Ormin\DDDProjectExtension\DDDProjectExtension

You can use the matcher like this ( in example I used an imagined UserId object, but you might use whatever Value Object you want ):

function it_will_return_the_correct_user_id() {

    $userId = new UserId(682);

    // $domainObject->returnMeSomeCoolUserId() will return a UserId value object, which we want to match against the above. ReturnValue will fail due to non-matching identity.


You can use the token like this:

function it_will_call_funny_method() {

    $userId = new UserId(682);

    $domainObject->doSeriousStuff(new ExactValueObjectToken($userId))->shouldBeCalled();

    // $domainObject->doSomeFunnyStuff() should call doSeriousStuff(UserId $userId) with an UserId value object which is created inside the method, which we want to match against the above value object. Normal ExactValueToken will fail due to non-matching identity.


Warning: Do not abuse it for objects which are not explicitly value objects and are compared by identity! Every time you do it, a kitten dies, so please spare the kittens and write clean code :)


PHPSpec helper classes for utilizing DDD and commonly used patterns around it






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