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An Embeddable JavaScript Markdown Editor

EpicEditor is an embeddable JavaScript Markdown editor with some Markdown enhancements such as automatic link creation and code fencing a la Github Flavored Markdown. EpicEditor allows for all kinds of customization. For simple drop-in-and-go support see the quick start below, otherwise checkout the full API.


WYSIWYGs suck and they suck hard. Markdown is quickly becoming the replacement. GitHub, Stackoverflow, and even blogging apps like Posterous support Markdown now. EpicEditor allows you to create a Markdown editor with a preview, split fullscreen editing, full CSS theming, and offline support with one simple call:

var editor = new EpicEditor().load();

Quick Start

EpicEditor is easy to implement. Add the script and assets to your page, provide a target container and call load().

Step 1: Download

Download the latest release or clone the repo:

$ git clone

Step 2: Create your container element

<div id="epiceditor"></div>

Step 3: Add the epiceditor.js file

<script src="epiceditor.min.js"></script>

Step 4: Init EpicEditor

var editor = new EpicEditor().load();



The EpicEditor constructor creates a new editor instance. Customize the instance by passing the options parameter. The example below uses all options and their defaults:

var opts = {
  container: 'epiceditor',
  basePath: 'epiceditor',
  localStorageName: 'epiceditor',
  parser: marked,
  file: {
    name: 'epiceditor',
    defaultContent: '',
    autoSave: 100
  theme: {
  focusOnLoad: false,
  shortcut: {
    modifier: 18,
    fullscreen: 70,
    preview: 80,
    edit: 79
var editor = new EpicEditor(opts);


Option Description Default
`container` The ID (string) or element (object) of the target container in which you want the editor to appear. `epiceditor`
`basePath` The base path of the directory containing the `/themes`, `/images`, etc. `epiceditor`
`localStorageName` The name to use for the localStorage object. `epiceditor`
`parser` [Marked]( is the only parser built into EpicEditor, but you can customize or toggle this by passing a parsing function to this option. For example:
parser: MyCustomParser.parse
`focusOnLoad` If `true`, editor will focus on load. `false`
`` If no file exists with this name a new one will be made, otherwise the existing will be opened. container ID
`file.defaultContent` The content to show if no content exists for a file.
`file.autoSave` How often to auto save the file in milliseconds. Set to `false` to turn it off. `100`
`theme.base` The base styles such as the utility bar with the buttons. `themes/base/epiceditor.css`
`theme.editor` The theme for the editor which is the area you type into. `themes/editor/epic-dark.css`
`theme.preview` The theme for the previewer. `themes/preview/github.css`
`shortcut.modifier` The key to hold while holding the other shortcut keys to trigger a key combo. `18` (`alt` key)
`shortcut.fullscreen` The shortcut to open fullscreen. `70` (`f` key)
`shortcut.preview` The shortcut to open the previewer. `80` (`p` key)
`shortcut.edit` The shortcut to open the editor. `79` (`o` key)


Loads the editor by inserting it into the DOM by creating an iframe. Will trigger the load event, or you can provide a callback.

editor.load(function () { console.log("Editor loaded.") });


Unloads the editor by removing the iframe. Keeps any options and file contents so you can easily call .load() again. Will trigger the unload event, or you can provide a callback.

editor.unload(function () { console.log("Editor unloaded.") });


Grabs an editor element for easy DOM manipulation. See the Themes section below for more on the layout of EpicEditor elements.

  • container: The element given at setup in the options.
  • wrapper: The wrapping <div> containing the 2 editor and previewer iframes.
  • wrapperIframe: The iframe containing the wrapper element.
  • editor: The #document of the editor iframe (i.e. you could do editor.getElement('editor').body).
  • editorIframe: The iframe containing the editor element.
  • previewer: The #document of the previewer iframe (i.e. you could do editor.getElement('previewer').body).
  • previewerIframe: The iframe containing the previewer element.
someBtn.onclick = function(){
  console.log(editor.getElement('editor').body.innerHTML); // Returns the editor's content


Opens a file into the editor.

openFileBtn.onclick = function(){'some-file'); // Opens a file when the user clicks this button


Imports a string of content into a file. If the file already exists, it will be overwritten. Useful if you want to inject a bunch of content via AJAX. Will also run .open() after import automatically.

importFileBtn.onclick = function(){
  editor.importFile('some-file',"#Imported markdown\nFancy, huh?"); //Imports a file when the user clicks this button


Returns the raw content of the file by default, or if given a type will return the content converted into that type. If you leave both parameters null it will return the current document's raw content.

syncWithServerBtn.onclick = function(){
  var theContent = editor.exportFile();
  saveToServerAjaxCall('/save', {data:theContent}, function () {
    console.log('Data was saved to the database.');

rename(oldName, newName)

Renames a file.

renameFileBtn.onclick = function(){
  var newName = prompt('What do you want to rename this file to?');
  editor.rename('', newName); //Prompts a user and renames a file on button click


Manually saves a file. EpicEditor will save continuously every 100ms by default, but if you set autoSave in the options to false or to longer intervals it's useful to manually save.

saveFileBtn.onclick = function(){;


Deletes a file.

removeFileBtn.onclick = function(){

on(event, handler)

Sets up an event handler (callback) for a specified event. For all event types, see the Events section below.

  console.log('Editor was removed');


Fires an event programatically. Similar to jQuery's .trigger()

editor.emit('unload'); // Triggers the handler provided in the "on" method above

removeListener(event, [handler])

Allows you to remove all listeners for an event, or just the specified one.

editor.removeListener('unload'); //The handler above would no longer fire


Puts the editor into preview mode.

previewBtn.onclick = function(){


Puts the editor into edit mode.

editBtn.onclick = function () {


You can hook into specific events in EpicEditor with on() such as when a file is created, removed, or updated. Below is a complete list of currently supported events and their description.

Event Name Description
`create` Fires whenever a new file is created.
`read` Fires whenever a file is read.
`update` Fires whenever a file is updated.
`remove` Fires whenever a file is deleted.
`load` Fires when the editor loads via `load()`.
`unload` Fires whenever the editor is unloaded via `unload()`
`preview` Fires whenever the previewer is opened (excluding fullscreen) via `preview()` or the preview button.
`edit` Fires whenever the editor is opened (excluding fullscreen) via `edit()` or the edit button.
`save` Fires whenever the file is saved whether by EpicEditor automatically or when `save()` is called.
`open` Fires whenever a file is opened or loads automatically by EpicEditor or when `open()` is called.


Theming is easy in EpicEditor. There are three different <iframe>s which means styles wont leak between the "chrome" of EpicEditor, previewer, or editor. Each one is like it's own web page. In the themes directory you'll see base, preview, and editor. The base styles are for the "chrome" of the editor which contains elements such as the utility bar containing the icons. The editor is the styles for the contents of editor <iframe> and the preview styles are applied to the preview <iframe>.

The HTML of a generated editor (excluding contents) looks like this:

<div id="container">
  <iframe id="epiceditor-instance-id">
        <link type="text/css" id="" rel="stylesheet" href="epiceditor/themes/base/epiceditor.css" media="screen">
        <div id="epiceditor-wrapper">
          <iframe id="epiceditor-editor-frame">
                <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="epiceditor/themes/editor/epic-dark.css" media="screen">
              <body contenteditable="true">
                <!-- raw content -->
          <iframe id="epiceditor-previewer-frame">
                <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="epiceditor/themes/preview/github.css" media="screen">
                <div id="epiceditor-preview">
                  <!-- rendered html -->
          <div id="epiceditor-utilbar">
            <img width="16" src="epiceditor/images/preview.png" class="epiceditor-toggle-btn">
            <img width="16" src="epiceditor/images/fullscreen.png" class="epiceditor-fullscreen-btn">


Contributions are greatly encouraged and appreciated. For more on ways to contribute please check the wiki: Contributing Guide.


EpicEditor relies on Marked to parse markdown and is brought to you in part by Oscar Godson and John Donahue. Special thanks to Adam Bickford for the bug fixes and being the QA for pull requests. Lastly, huge thanks to Sebastian Nitu for the amazing logo and doc styles.