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111 lines (102 loc) · 5.33 KB

File metadata and controls

111 lines (102 loc) · 5.33 KB

File Comparator


Compares two files. Ignores tabs, spaces and other useless symbols (only used for human readability but have no any semantics)
Compares word by word.


Open cmd (or bash) go to the root of the project (directory FileComparator) and execute:

gradlew bootJar

The built application will be appeared in ./build/libs


The built app (jar file) is located in directory ./build/libs
First of all you must LOAD the Dictionary. The Dictionary defines a set of words which may appear within in files.
You can load a predefined Dictionary from list or load
own Dictionary (select Custom option in ComboBox).
After that you must open 2 Files (File 1 and File 2) for comparison.
And to Compare you must only click Compare (in Files menu).
Each Dictionary is described by json document.

Dictionary Structure

The structure of json document is described as follows

    "words" : [  
        {"id" : "uniqueIdName", "pattern" : "regex" },  
        {"id" : "comLine", "pattern" : "//", "className": "comments" },  
        {"id" : "mlCom", "pattern" : "/@*", "className": "comments" },  
        {"id" : "unique", "pattern" : "regex", "className": "nonUnique" }  
    "styles" : [  
        {"selector" : "#unique", "color" : "red", "size" : 12 },  
        {"selector" : "comments", "color" : "green" }  
    "comment" : "comLine",  
    "mlCommentStart" : "mlCom",  
    "mlCommentEnd" : "*/",  
    "extensions" : ["txt","sql"]  

Property "words" is a list of words. Each word is JsonObject
with two required properties:

  • "id" specifies a unqiue name. By that name the word can be found. The value of this property is JsonString.
  • "pattern" specifies a regular expression for word. For example
    an expression [0-9]+ specifies an infinity numeric character string.
    The value of this property is JsonString.

The property "className" of the word is JsonString.
This property is optional and used only for applying styles on specific set of words.

Property "styles" is a list of styles. "styles" are optional. Each style is JsonObject
with one required property "selector" and 4 optionals.

  • "selector" specifies a unique name of style. Each style can be found by its selector.
  • "color" specifies a color of text (foreground).
  • "size" specifies a size of text.
    The value of this property is Integer.
  • "font" specifies a font of text.
    The value of this property is JsonString.
  • "weight" specifies a weight of text. The value of this property is one of three followed Strings: "BOLD", "ITALIC", "NORMAL"

There are also four optional properties :

  • "comment" specifies the name of word which will be denote a single line comment.
    The comments in text ARE IGNORED (in this version).
  • "mlCommentStart" same as "comment" BUT defines a multiline comment.
    More precisely it define the name of word which will be denote the begining of multiline comment.
  • "mlCommentEnd" must be specified when "mlCommentStart" is noted.
    Specifies the character sequence which will be denote the end of multiline comment.
    The value of this property is JsonString.
  • "extensions" specifies file extensions which MUST BE MATCHED.
    That is if "extensions" : ["sql", "java"] then only files with
    those extensions ALLOWED to be compared. The others MUST BE IGNORED.

Regex syntax

The regular expressions syntax is described as follows:

  • a - regular expression which represent a single character string ("a"). (You may type a multiple character sequence abb.... An operator of CONCATENATION ^ will be used implicitly.)
    (So if you type a abb the regex will be a^b^b. Of course you can use ^ operator explicitly BUT THIS IS NOT RECOMMENDED!)
  • r1|r2 - the UNION of two regular expressions (r1 and r2).
  • [A-Z] - the characters class. It is shortance for UNION operation. (i.e it is equal to expression (A|B|...|Z) ).
  • (r) - the GROUPING of regex (r1).
  • _ - any single character. (The character code range is [0..65535])
  • @ - escape symbol. (like a \ in many programming languages).
    Use to ignore operators (such as ^, |, (, ),*,+,_). Any single character preceded with @ is treated as an operand
    Example: regular expressions : @*, @+ are treated as * and +. They both match strings : "+", "*".
    So to use @ as operand you must type @@. It is unnecessary to use @ in regexs with single character. (Expressions like "a", "+", "*" with length = 1)
    Any single character expression is treated as operand.
    WARNING: the length of the expression is the length of the JsonString
    (** i.e. the length of the string which is a value of property "pattern"**)

Regex quantifiers

There are only two quantifiers are used * and + which means:

  • r1+ : one or more times exactly r1.
  • r1* : zero or more times exactly r1.

Regex details

After all regexs will be processed the minimal DFA will be built.
Technically this is not formally the DFA. It is based on model
used in Lex, JFLex and YACC programs.
WARNING: All regular expressions are CASE SENSITIVE.

Technical requirements.

Compiled on JDK 1.8.0_161.