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Capability Token Info

gerome12 edited this page May 28, 2021 · 15 revisions

This resource can be used just with a capability token (no more authorization needed)

URL : /capabilities/{capability_id}

Method : GET

Auth Required : Authorization with a JWT Bearer token with the user as the sub claim.


  • Accept : If present, require that this value be application/json

Success Response

If the token was found.

  • Status : 200 Ok
    "issued_at_time": "2019-02-11T16:19:16.687Z",
    "not_before_time": "2018-10-22T14:20:59.734Z",
    "last_use": "2018-11-12T13:23:46.156Z",
    "expiration_time": "2019-01-22T14:20:59.734Z",
    "revoked": false,
    "scope_type": "album",
    "album": {
        "id": "hx7S6Q2nv0",
        "name": "The album name"
    "read_permission": true,
    "write_permission": false,
    "download_permission": true,
    "appropriate_permission": false,


    "scope_type": "user"

Error Response

If the token are unknow

  • Status : 404 Not Found
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