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Delete Study

Nikolaos Papoutsis edited this page Oct 13, 2021 · 7 revisions

Removes a study from the user's Inbox by relinquishes access to all series in the specified study.

URL : /studies/{StudyInstanceUID}

Method : DELETE

Auth Required : Requires an Access Token with the user as the sub claim.

Headers (Optional)

  • The following headers Admin-Action and Admin-Password can be used simultaneously, if the study is to be permanently deleted.
  • Admin-Action : permanent
  • Admin-Password : [PASSWORD] using the kheops_auth_admin_password secret

Success Response

If the bearer token has user as the sub.

  • Status : 204 No Content

Error Response

If StudyInstanceUID is not a valid UID

  • Status : 400 Bad Request

If no authentication token is supplied: (Don't forget to return the WWW-authenticate header)

  • Status : 401 Unauthorized

If the bearer token does not have the user as the sub claim.

  • Status : 403 Forbidden

If the user have no access to any study with the given StudyInstanceUID.

  • Status : 404 Not Found
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