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Discussion and help

  • You can ask all questions and suggestions in the OsmoTagger telegram chat.
  • You can follow the news in the telegram channel.
  • You can create an issue in the repository using the link.


OsmoTagger is an open-source project for editing OpenStreetMap maps on iOS, utilizing the fast and powerful GLMap framework for displaying OpenStreetMap maps.

  • Explore the GLMap documentation to familiarize yourself with its features.
  • Find the OpenStreetMap API documentation here.


Follow these steps to build and run OsmoTagger:

  1. Clone the repository.
  2. Register an account on the GLMap developer's website and obtain an API key to access the functionality.
  3. In the settings of your personal account, register a new OAuth 2.0 application. Specify an unoccupied URI, for example, "myOpenStreetMapEditor", and save the received client ID and client secret. OsmoTagger allows you to work on a test server, so if you want to use it, register the same application in your personal account on the test server (the accounts of the working and test server are not linked, you will need to register a new account). Don't forget that there is no data on the test server by default. You can upload data to the region you need using a simple Python script.
  4. Specify your URI in the OsmClient class in the authorization methods.
  5. Create a new ApiKeys.swift file and put it in the repository. This file has been added to .gitignore and will not be made publicly available. Create a structure in it:
    struct ApiKeys {
        static let prodClienID = "YOUR_CLIENTID_FROM_PRODUCTION_SERVER"
        static let prodClientSecret = "YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET_FROM_PRODUCTION_SERVER"
        static let devClientID = "YOUR_CLIENTID_FROM_TEST_SERVER" // if don't use, set ""
        static let devClientSecret = "YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET_FROM_TEST_SERVER" // if don't use, set ""
        static let glAPIKey = "YOUR_API_KEY"