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This is a web app where you can create "dreams", which is just a list of things you will love to achieve in the future and it groups them into achieved or pending based on if you have achieved your dreams or not

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Ruby on Rails Capstone Project

  • In this project I built an MVP model of a Web Application where a user can create categories like Technology, Automobile etc and under those categories create projects or as the App name implies "dreams" which the user hopes to achieve in the future. For every dream the user achieves, he/she can scratch that off the pending list to the achieved list.

For now, the MVP model is just for cars. A user can create a list of cars he will like to own, with the Car's details like name, model, year it was made and brand. The user can also add **Brands** to the app. Each time the user succeeds in buying one of the cars he can update his list and remove the car from pending to achieved, and if he does buy all the cars on his list he gets a message congratulating him on his "Grind" for achieving his dreams.

Screenshots of App for various screen sizes



Built With

  • Ruby on Rails
  • HTML
  • CSSS


  • Ruby 2.6 or greater
  • Ruby on Rails 5.2.3 or greater

Getting Started

To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.

  • Open a terminal or command prompt interface on your machine
  • Clone the project unto your local machine: git clone
  • From your terminal enter the project directory using cd Future-App


  • Run bundle install
  • Run rails db:create && rails db:migrate
  • Run rails server or rails s on your terminal to start the integrated ruby server.
  • Open your web browser and go to localhost:3000, to see that the rails sever is up and running.
  • Enjoy the app.
  • Type rspec to run tests for the app while in the app directory

Live Demo Link

Live Link

Video Link

Video Explanation Link


👤 Osong Agberndifor

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the Issues page.

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Distributed under the Creative Commons License


This is a web app where you can create "dreams", which is just a list of things you will love to achieve in the future and it groups them into achieved or pending based on if you have achieved your dreams or not






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