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Alper Kürşat edited this page May 24, 2018 · 1 revision

.disp( show boolean )

Sets visibility of an Element


If show is true Element is visible Else Element is hidden

Let's create an invisible element;

let Elem=''.disp();

O.ready.then(b=>b.append(Elem)); 		//Append to document body
<div style="display: none"></div>

Let's make Element visible

<div style="display: block"></div>

.disp method stores first display state.

	display: flex
let Box='#myFlexBox'.disp(); 		        //Visibility : No

O.ready.then(b=>b.append(Box.disp(1)));	//Visibility : Yes, Flex! ==> Append do doc.body
<div id="myFlexBox" style="display: flex"></div> 	<!--Visibility state protected-->
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