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Easy to use ECharts components for React.

ECharts is a powerful, captivating and charming data visualization tool.


npm install easy-echarts-components-for-react --save

Get started with an easy, non verbose component, which has basic props to have a good looking line, bar or area echart component.

import React from 'react';
import { EchartsLine } from 'easy-echarts-components-for-react';

class App extends React.Component {

 render() {
      return (
            style={{height: '40vh', width: '100%'}}
            theme= 'themeOne'
            title= 'Most used Hashtags on Instagram'
            xAxis={['Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday']}
            seriesNames={['#love', '#instagood', '#photooftheday', '#fashion', '#beautiful'],}
            seriesData={[ [ 3463, 31898, 96, 10049, 34967, 15012, 1701 ],
                          [ 8135, 39451, 20651, 22599, 14753, 44823, 32469 ],
                          [ 28401, 34530, 15612, 43372, 49021, 25559, 20051 ],
                          [ 28588, 36861, 29559, 7216, 21830, 38563, 2336 ],
                          [ 2881, 1389, 19633, 7760, 6405, 1946, 28197 ] ]}
            /// other options for seriesType are: linestack, bar, barStack, area, areaStack

An example of a echarts pie component

import React from "react";
import { EchartsPie } from "easy-echarts-components-for-react";

class App extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return (
        style={{ height: "40vh", width: "100%" }}
        title="Imported Fruits"
        legend={["Apples", "Apricots", "Mangos", "Nectarines", "Oranges"]}
          { value: 3265, name: "Apples" },
          { value: 2524, name: "Apricots" },
          { value: 1021, name: "Mangos" },
          { value: 1365, name: "Nectarines" },
          { value: 5564, name: "Oranges" }
        // add a `doughnut={true}` if you want a pie doughnut

These ECHARTS components are very customizable, because they have a lot of props to tweak

For the bar, barStack, line, lineStack, area, and areaStack types

Props Type Default Value
style object { width: '100%', height: '100vh'}
className string empty string
fontFamily string sans-serif
theme string #fff
title string empty string
titleFontSize string 15
titlePosition string center
titleFontStyle string normal
titleFontWeight string bold
tooltipType string cross
tooltipBackgroundColor string #b7aeaa
legendColor string #000
legendFontSize string 11
dataZoom bool true
saveAsImage bool false
gridLeft string 6%
gridRight string 6%
gridBottom string 14%
gridContainLabel bool true
xAxis array empty array
xAxisName string empty string
xAxisNameLocation string middle
xAxisNameGap string 32
seriesType string line
seriesNames array empty array
seriesData array empty array

for the pie and the pie doughunt types

Props Type Default Value
style object { width: '100%', height: '100vh'}
className string empty string
fontFamily string sans-serif
theme string #fff
title string empty string
titleFontSize string 15
titlePosition string center
titleFontStyle string normal
titleFontWeight string bold
legendColor string #000
legendFontSize string 11
saveAsImage string false
doughnut string false
legend array empty array
data array empty array


Want to run demos locally

git clone
npm install
npm run start
open http://localhost:3000