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Releases: OuhscBbmc/Wats

Wats 1.0.1

10 Mar 23:59
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A modernization of the package. See Issue #9 for low-level details

Breaking Changes:

  • snake_case functions & variable names (#16)
  • data manipulation functions accept & return tibbles instead of data.frames (#24)

New Features:

  • pkgdown website for documentation (#9)
  • Transition to GitHub Actions, from Travis & AppVeyor (#9)

Wats 0.10.3

11 Nov 15:17
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Minor Changes:

  • This submission is fixes a small incompatibility with the upcoming version of ggplot2. ggplot2's more stringent checking caught a mistake in my package. When calling ggplot2::geom_vline, I used the parameter x, instead of the correct xintercept. This has been fixed.

0.10.1 CRAN Release

26 Aug 21:02
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(Developed from 2014-05-24 through 2015-08-16)

Minor Changes:

  • Updated to newer CRAN policies

Submission version, after transferring to the OuhscBbmc organization (2014-10-01)

01 Oct 03:32
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This is the version is essentially what we submitted with the manuscript "Wrap-around Time Series Plots (WATS Plots) for Interrupted Time Series Designs: Applications to Fertility Rates and the Oklahoma City Bombing" to Multivariate Behavioral Research. For more information, see the repository's readme file.

The primary difference between this and the previous releases is that this occurred immediately after transferring the repository from my personal account (wibeasley) to my organization's account (OuhscBbmc). Consequently, a new DOI had to be applied for.

Article submitted for review

05 Jul 16:20
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This is the version when we submitted the manuscript "Wrap-around Time Series Plots (WATS Plots) for Interrupted Time Series Designs: Applications to Fertility Rates and the Oklahoma City Bombing" to Multivariate Behavioral Research. For more information, see the repository's readme file.


20 Sep 16:13
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Repeat tag to prompt Zenodo DOI