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Our Revolution


  1. Python 2.7 and Pip
  2. Postgres — I recommend Homebrew: brew install postgres (see but other options are available
  3. Node + NPM for building front-end.
  4. gulp-cli installed globally: npm install gulp-cli -g
  5. For features with asynchronous task handling, install Redis and start server redis $ src/redis-server


Because 'site' is not a descriptive project name ...

  1. cd into your typical project directory; ~/sites/ or ~/code or ~/projects or what have you.

  2. Clone this repo — git clone our-revolution

  3. cd our-revolution

  4. Run ./setup-osx (it will take a minute; it's making a number of installs HTTP requests)

If db connection throws authentication error, try updating .env db url config to be postgres:///ourrevolution without host and port.

If .env keys are not generated correctly try updating script with something like this:

echo "SECRET_KEY=lebowski" >> .env
echo "AUTH0_DOMAIN=lebowski" >> .env
echo "AUTH0_CLIENT_ID=lebowski" >> .env
echo "AUTH0_CLIENT_SECRET=lebowski" >> .env

There is a known migration bug as of 2017-09-18.

  1. It should prompt you to create a super user account. Enter your username, email and password.

  2. npm install for build tools

  3. ???

  4. Profit!


  1. workon ourrevolution or source ~/.virtualenvs/ourrevolution/bin/activate
  2. ./ runserver then pull up http://localhost:8000/ and you're off to the races.
  3. For features with asynchronous task handling, start a Celery worker (ourrevolution) $ celery -A ourrevolution worker -l info --concurrency=1 --max-tasks-per-child=1
  • Locally does not work well with .env config pattern, might need to export variables some other way. Celery needs to be restarted to see app changes. If configs are not taking hold, make sure you are exporting them in the same scope that celery is being run in.

If pages don't load correctly you may need to update the django_site table:

INSERT INTO django_site (domain, name) VALUES ('localhost:8000', 'Our Rev Dev');

GULP and the Front End

We use gulp to automate building and minifying of production files.

The default gulp task runs with gulp build --production. It does the following:

  1. Compiles, minifies, auto-prefixes, and gzips SASS from ourrevolution/pages/src/scss/main.scss.
  2. Builds and minifies JS from ourrevolution/pages/src/js/app.js with the help of browserify.
  3. Watches project files to recompile SASS, JS, optimize images, and live reload the browser on the fly.

Note: For live reloading, install the Live Reload Chrome extension.


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