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Small project game utilizing DOM manipulation Decided to build a jeopardy game for my first project. We were assigned to create a game where it must be two player, must have a win state, must have a reset button, and must utilize flex properties. Along the process we faced many challenges of building this project. All of the resources online covering building jeopardy were using a multiple choice / boolean approach. I personally didn't have any problems building the game to be boolean, however my partner wanted to take on the challenge of making it text based. The projcet is comprised mostly of looping through objects and arrays, and creating and calling functions. We ran into many problems along the way of creating the game, from buttons not displaying to cards not logging the correct questions. Decided to add an index style ID to each question object within the questionsArr, in order to loop through them more efficiently. Working on this project has shown me how to approach problems with a programmer's mentality, and to be more clear about exactly what is trying to be done. I'm really proud of how we created functions to handle everything and called on them as needed, placing the function call exactly where it needs to be. Also proud that we were able to make the game text based rather than multiple choice, to closer mirror the actual jeopardy experience. The original questions in the game were meant to act as filler, lorem epsin text, but once we started actually creating logic I didn't think to go back and change. This projcet has shown me how to handle and parse through data in an effective manner, and how to consider your approach when trying to recieve one specific outcome. The most challenging part of the project was making sure that each card held the correct question and that it incremented score properly according to value on back of card. This project also taught me that I need to work on arrow notation and for each functions a bit more, as those were the areas that had me thinking the most. Implemented a function to not allow the same question to keep getting answered, which was pretty challenging.

Source used for input text -

Source used for reset button -

Source used for ternary statements -

Source used for card flip animation (big thank you to laura) -

That was pretty much it when it came to ideas and sources.

Big thank you to Michael for helping out whenever I had ideas but didn't know exactly how to write them out in syntax.

Same to Abraham.

Thank you to Laura for the card flip source, one of my favorite features about the game in general.


Small project game utilizing DOM manipulation






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