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Nullable Updates

Nullable Updates #351

Triggered via pull request February 20, 2024 14:42
Status Success
Total duration 3m 44s


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11 warnings
Node.js 16 actions are deprecated. Please update the following actions to use Node.js 20: actions/setup-java@v3, actions/checkout@v3.5.3, actions/setup-node@v3.7.0, actions/setup-dotnet@v3.2.0. For more information see:
Build: src/OLT.Core.Common.Abstractions/Constants/OltClaimTypes.cs#L241
Do not forget to remove this deprecated code someday. (
Build: src/OLT.Core.Common.Abstractions/GenericParameter/OltGenericParameterParser.cs#L21
Remove the member initializer, all constructors set an initial value for the member. (
Build: src/OLT.Core.Common.Abstractions/Models/OltIdentity.cs#L109
Do not forget to remove this deprecated code someday. (
Build: src/OLT.Core.Common.Abstractions/Models/OltIdentity.cs#L172
Collection-specific "Exists" method should be used instead of the "Any" extension. (
Build: src/OLT.Logging.Serilog/NgxLogger/OltNgxLoggerStackJson.cs#L17
Non-nullable property 'FileName' must contain a non-null value when exiting constructor. Consider declaring the property as nullable.
Build: src/OLT.Logging.Serilog/NgxLogger/OltNgxLoggerStackJson.cs#L18
Non-nullable property 'FunctionName' must contain a non-null value when exiting constructor. Consider declaring the property as nullable.
Build: src/OLT.Logging.Serilog/NgxLogger/OltNgxLoggerStackJson.cs#L19
Non-nullable property 'Source' must contain a non-null value when exiting constructor. Consider declaring the property as nullable.
Build: src/OLT.Logging.Serilog/NgxLogger/OltNgxLoggerDetailJson.cs#L17
Non-nullable property 'Name' must contain a non-null value when exiting constructor. Consider declaring the property as nullable.
Build: src/OLT.Logging.Serilog/NgxLogger/OltNgxLoggerDetailJson.cs#L18
Non-nullable property 'AppId' must contain a non-null value when exiting constructor. Consider declaring the property as nullable.
Build: src/OLT.Logging.Serilog/NgxLogger/OltNgxLoggerDetailJson.cs#L19
Non-nullable property 'User' must contain a non-null value when exiting constructor. Consider declaring the property as nullable.