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How to contribute?

Luis E edited this page Feb 28, 2018 · 5 revisions

Development conventions

Master branch

The master branch is never to be touched. It's the release ready version of the module. Master get's only merged from the integration branch.

Integration branch

This branch contains a release candidate version of the module. This means, a working and completely up to date version with working features. Buggy features stay in their own task branches until they either get fixed or get closed/wontfix.

Task branch

A task branch represents one task from the taskboard/issueboard. If you start to work on a task, you will open a new branch with the following naming convention: ta-(TaskId)-TASK Replace TASK with the task name. Only use lowercase, no special characters. Post the pullrequest on the task/issue you were working on! Otherwise no code review.


General gitflow


How to work on a new task?

  • Assign yourself the task on the issue tab.
  • Create a new branch from integration. Do not use master or other branches. Meet the required task nameing convention.
  • Checkout the project in your local github or IDE with
  • Checkout your recently created task branch as new local branch
  • Start to work on your task
  • Commit and push your local branch as soon as you are finished
  • After sucessfull push, create a pull request
  • Wait for furthur instructions on that pullrequest