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Script to mount SquashFS over OverlayFS in Raspberry Pi >= 3

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Squash File System over OverlayFS

Forked from:

Repository folder structure

├── overlay
│   └──                  # Original script v1.1 Created by Pascal Suter
└── overlay_sfs                         # Custom resources
    ├── boot                            # Contain boot files
    │   ├── cmdline-no_overlay.txt      # Boot Raspberry without OverlayFS
    │   └── cmdline-overlay.txt         # Boot Raspberry with OverlayFS
    └── sbin                            # Script to create OverlayFS and SquashFS
        └──              # SquashFS over OverlayFS script v1.4


NOTE: This script has been tested with Raspbian OS (32-bit) Lite (Debian Buster)

  1. First of all, create the folder structure:

    ├── mounted
    │   ├── ro          # Where Lower overlay folder is located
    │   ├── rw          # Where Upper and Work overlay folder is located
    │   └── squashed    # Where .sfs file is unsquashed
    └── squashfs        # Where .sfs file is located

    To do that:

    sudo -s
    mkdir /lib/live
    mkdir /lib/live/mounted
    mkdir /lib/live/mounted/ro
    mkdir /lib/live/mounted/rw
    mkdir /lib/live/mounted/squashed
    mkdir /lib/live/squahfs
  2. Install Squasfs

    sudo apt-get install squashfs-tools -y 
  3. Copy script into /sbin/

    • I usually copy from my computer to Raspberry /home/user path using:
      # From computer terminal
      sudo scp -r /pc_overlayRoot rsp_user@rsp_ip_address:/destination_path
    • After copy the script, simply move to /sbin path runing:
      sudo mv /home/user/ /sbin/
    • Make it executable:
      chmod +x /sbin/
  4. Disable swap

    dphys-swapfile swapoff
    dphys-swapfile uninstall
    update-rc.d dphys-swapfile remove
    systemctl stop dphys-swapfile
    systemctl disable dphys-swapfile
  5. Change your boot parameter in /boot/cmdline.txt. Adding init=/sbin/

    • cmdline.txt with OverlayFS
    console=serial0,115200 console=tty1 root=PARTUUID=97652995-02 rootfstype=ext4 elevator=deadline rootwait init=/sbin/
    • cmdline.txt without OverlayFS
    console=serial0,115200 console=tty1 root=PARTUUID=97652995-02 rootfstype=ext4 elevator=deadline rootwait 

    NOTE: Can copy cmdline-overlay.txt and cmdline-no_overlay.txt from this repository and paste in your system

  6. Reboot time }: )


Enable / Disable OverlayFS

Copy cmdline-no_overlay.txt and cmdline-overlay.txt into /boot/ path.

After runing the script /boot/ partition is mounted as a RW. To Enable or Disable OverlayFS:

  • Enable OverlayFS:
    cp /boot/cmdline-overlay.txt /boot/cmdline.txt
  • Disable OverlayFS:
    cp  /boot/cmdline-no_overlay.txt /boot/cmdline.txt
  • After modify cmdline.txt file reboot Rapsberry sudo reboot

Create Squash file

For this example I've created a 3 test files which will be located in /home and /etc folders after mount OverlayFS.

  1. Create a temp folder in /home/user (for exemple):
    sudo -s
    mkdir /home/user/squahsfs_tmp 
  2. Inside the squash file we will add a file which will be located inside /etc/ and /home/ folders (just for testing), so we should create 2 new folders inside squashfs_tmp:
    cd /home/user/squahsfs_tmp
    mkdir etc
    mkdir home
  3. Create some test files inside this folders:
    touch etc/hello_etc
    touch home/home_file_01
    touch home/home_file_01
  4. We've implemented the changes so is time to create a SFS file:
    cd ..                                               # We're located in /home/user path right now
    squashfs squahsfs_tmp file_system.sfs -comp xz      # Creating SFS File }:)
    This command generate a sfs file call file_system.sfs based in squahfs_tmp folder content.
  5. In the script the /lib/live/squahsfs directory is defined as the location where the file will be found the squash files so we should move the file.
    mv /home/user/squahsfs_tmp /lib/live/squashfs
  6. Remove squasfs_tmp folder
    rm -rf /home/user/squashfs_tmp 
  7. Enable overlay
    cp /boot/cmdline-overlay.txt /boot/cmdline.txt
  8. Reboot time }: )
  9. If everything has worked as we expected we will see:
    ls /home
     ├── home_file_01
     ├── home_file_02
     └── other /home files...
    ls /etc
     ├── hello_etc
     └── other /etc files...

Update Squash file

Update squashs file adding or removing some file. To do that:

  1. Reboot system without OverlayFS
    sudo -s
    cp  /boot/cmdline-no_overlay.txt /boot/cmdline.txt
  2. Go to squashfs default path
    sudo -s
    cd /lib/live/squashfs
  3. Unsquash file_system.sfs
    unsquashfs -f file_system.sfs
    After run this command a folder squashfs-root will appear.
      ├── file_sytem.sfs
      └── squashfs-root
  4. Modify squashfs-root content removing home_file_02 (for exemple)
    rm -rf squashfs-root/home/home_file_02 
  5. Remove old file_system.sfs
    rm -rf file_system.sfs
  6. Create the new sfs file
    squashfs squashfs-root file_system.sfs -comp xz
  7. Now modify cmdline.txt to mount overlayFS after reboot and apply the sfs changes
    cp /boot/cmdline-overlay.txt /boot/cmdline.txt
  8. Rebot time }: )

The other way to modify squashfs:

  1. Remount RO partition
    sudo -s
    mount -o remount,rw /lib/live/mounted/ro 
  2. Go to squashfs folder
    cd /lib/live/mounted/ro/lib/live/squashfs
  3. Repeat steps from 3 until 8 indicated in the previous section
